Dickinsonian, September 28, 1916

The new academic year opens with a ceremony; Professor Leon C. Prince gives matriculation sermon. Wilbur H. Norcross ’07 and G. Lafayette Cram join faculty. Miss Helen Burns ’12 becomes college librarian. Sophomores win annual flag scrap. YMCA holds annual reception for new students. Metzger Hall is renovated and fitted with electric lights; has highest occupancy yet. The deceased Professor William Lambert Gooding is remembered. Conway Hall, South College, and Biddle Field are renovated.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 4, 1905

The members of the Glee and Mandolin clubs are selected from a large group of interested and talented men.  The YMCA procures new hymn books.  The editors write on the worth of small colleges.  An inter-fraternity meeting is held.  The Freshmen are reminded to obey the rules, and the Sophomores to enforce them.  Students may have electric lights in their rooms, for an annual cost.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1905

The Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen elect their officers for the  year.  Electric lights to be installed in East College.  The editors exhort all to pay the optional athletic fee in support of the athletic teams.  Professor Harry W. Smith is the new football coach.  The ladies of the Freshman and Junior class host a reception for Freshman men, with some disturbance by the members of the Sophomore class.  The Civic Club to host a lectures series.  The annual county fair to be held in Carlisle.  Alpha Chi Rho secures new rooms in the Stuart building.
