Dickinsonian, June 4, 1910

Skull and Key holds initiation.  Professor Leon Prince marries Miss Julia Delavan, class of 1913.  Dr. William Lindsay retires due to declining health.  Troutman Gougler selected as new field coach.  Musical clubs have successful year and tour.  Conway Hall holds commencement exercises.  Oratorical department and Library Guild have successful years.  Skitchagenee holds annual banquet and initiates new members.  Traditional Commencement Play forbidden by Trustees.  Press Club holds second annual banquet and elects new officers.  Dr. C. W.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1921

The program for Founder's Day is announced, including an address by Professor Leon Prince as well as tennis, track, and baseball matches. The program for Commencement is also published. The Union Philosophical Society celebrates its 132nd anniversary.The Dickinsonian selects its new managerial staff, with Harry D. Kruse '22 as its editor-in-chief. William Bretz '21 gives an organ recital in Allison Church.


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1907

The annual Easter trip of the Musical Clubs is a great success, with praise from such newspapers as The Altoona Gazette, The Johnstown Democrat, and The Philipsburg Journal.  The Sigma Chi fraternity holds a dance.  Prof. Leon Prince's new book, A Bird's-Eye View of American History is well-received by critics. William Penn Memorial Day approaches.


Dickinsonian, September 19, 1906

The 124th year of Dickinson's history is entered upon, welcoming large classes into all of its departments.  The Athletic Association holds team manager and vice presidential elections.  Professor Leon C. Prince publishes A Bird's Eye View of American History, a new U.S. history book.  In its second year of being, Dickinson College's Pan Hellenic Association adopts rules regarding Greek life recruitment.  The YMCA holds its annual reception in Chapel Hall.


Dickinsonian, May 15, 1926

Belles Lettres is victorious in the Annual Founder's Day contest. Student Senate elections are postponed to address the issues that the Senate's current composition of nine fraternity men to five Commons' Club men will remain. Robert H. Duffy will be assisting Coach Johnson with the football team this coming season. Prof. Prince continues his campaign for a seat in Congress.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 10, 1926

The Senior Class announces election results for commencement positions. Spring football training begins. The inter-class track and field meet is revived after two years. Prof. Leon C. Prince filed a petition to run as a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives for the 19th congressional district. The Dramatic Club announces the cast for their June play "Kempy."


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1926

S. Marsh Johnson, former assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh, is elected by the Athletic Association as Dickinson's new football Coach. Dickinson has joined a one year trial Eastern Collegiate Athletic conference with the football programs of Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus. Joe Nesbit's Orchestra will provide the music for the Junior Prom this year. The Student Volunteer Conference is a popular success. Prof. Leon C. Prince delivered the main address of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Belles Lettres literary Society.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1925

A poll on the World Court is taken by the YMCA and YWCA, while Prof. Leon Prince spoke against US involvement in the World Court in chapel. The Inter-Fraternity Council adopts new by-laws; new laws on rushing, bidding, and preferential bidding for pledges; new policies for violations and penalties; and a required grade average to pledge. Photography begins for the 1927 Microcosm. The football team takes a 34 to 0 victory over the Pennsylvania Military College.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1925

The football team opens their season with a game against Lebanon Valley ending in a 6-6 tie. Dickinson has been chosen to hold the twenty-first annual Student Volunteer conference of the colleges and seminaries of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  Revisions are made to the plan for first year / fraternity interacting to require that each fraternity send 1-3 representatives to every other fraternity on their night for entertainment. Both the Christian Fellowship Group and the French Club receive their largest attendance ever this year.

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Dickinsonian, September 26, 1925

This week's issue of the Dickinsonian announces the elections of F. B. Giebel as president of the freshman class and Christopher P. Crook to the sophomore class. Football practice begins early in an effort to continue the path of last season's success. A committee of the Interfraternity Council presents their ideas for freshman involvement. In previous years, rushing agreements prohibited fraternity members to communicate with first year men; leading to a feeling of isolation from the rest of the campus.

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Dickinsonian, March 29, 1934

Professor Leon Cushing Prince decides to run for lieutenant governorship. Lloyd W. Hughes wins Phi Epsilon Pi award for being the most valuable basketball player. Dickinsonian sends representatives to convention of Intercollegiate Newspaper Association. Professor C. R. Walther Thomas becomes honorary member of Theta Chi. Alpha Chi Rho house catches fire; minimal damage.

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Dickinsonian, February 23, 1934

YMCA and YWCA plan to hold Sunday School Teacher Training courses at Dickinson. College applies to Civil Works Administration for financial aid. Professor Leon C. Prince's speech on the Liquor Control Bill is published. Telescope from South College is repaired and placed on Beta Theta Pi house roof instead of Conway roof as planned.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1924

Professor Leon C. Prince loses the race for the Republican party's congressional nomination. The joint senate committee produces a tentative constitution for their new joint student senate. Dickinson hosts a field day for 600 Cumberland county public school students. Two female students will attend a national conference of the YWCA. The French Club announces that it will produce two plays in May on the life of the French people.The track team suffers its first defeat in three years, losing the Haverford 67 to 59.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1924

Students form the Republican Club, which throws its support behind Professor Leon C. Prince in his congressional campaign. Professor Prince addresses Dickinson students and members of the Carlisle community as a part of his campaign for the Republican nomination for congress. Non-Fraternity men organize a permanent social organization known as the Commons Club, whose objectives include promoting unity and cooperation with other members of the college community, loyalty to the college, and equal opportunity for all male students. The senior class elects Class Day officers.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1924

The Dramatic Club's production of Clarence debuts. Belles Lettres and UPS plan a contest to include informal debates and speeches. A survey of the most popular names among Dickinson students appears. The Alumni Council requests the cooperation of undergraduate students for the preparation of banquets and commencement activities for alumni due to overwhelming interest. Professor Leon C. Prince begins actively campaigning for the Republican party nomination for Congress after announcing his candidacy a week prior.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1924

Phi Beta Kappa elects three senior students. Professor Leon C. Prince announces his candidacy for Congress in the Republican party. Members of the Student Senate critique the practice of group representation in Senate elections and express the need for cooperation and a definite definition of Senate's field of activity. A debate will be held between two Dickinson students and two students from Gettysburg on the Bok Peace Plan. The Glee Club performs a concert in Harrisburg.

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Dickinsonian, February 23, 1933

President Waugh and professors attend a hearing in Harrisburg to speak against the newly proposed bill that would end liberal arts colleges' ability to train secondary teachers. Sophomores to hold their annual dance on Saturday. Junior Prom plans are being finished. Men's Glee club to perform Sunday evening. Four new juniors are elected to the Alpha Sigma Gamma, honorary journalism award. An article about the contents of girls' waste-paper baskets. Fraternities figure out new favors to give girls that come to their dances. Belles Lettres Society elects new officers.

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 1932

Homecoming Weekend. Freshmen before Tribunal to be punished. Dramatic Club begins working on mystery play to be performed in December. Professor Prince wins seat in State Senate once again. Janitor of Dickinson Law, William Davidson,dies.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 6, 1932

Professor of History, Leon C. Prince, seeks re-election to state senate. Rushing continues for potential new fraternity pledges, while sorority rushing ends. Dickinsonian celebrates 60th anniversary. Dickinson Law School has 54 new men enrolled. The Football team is to open the season with a game against Ursinus . Dickinsonian to conduct straw vote for US Presidential Election.

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Dickinsonian, October 23, 1930

Plans for Homecoming, November 15, are underway. Two recent Dickinson graduates, John Pipa and Robert Forney, take part in local politics, running for positions in Northumberland County. The freshman class revolts against the class rules system, violating every rule but wearing the dink. This is in reaction to the disciplinary actions taken by the Tribunal in the past weeks, including hair-cuttings in the week previous. The freshmen make a list of demands and send it to the Tribunal however, all of their requests are denied by student government.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1934

Professor Leon C. Prince gives a talk on the Golden Rule as aid for an economy recovery for the country. The soccer team loses to Delaware. The Debate Squad elects new officers. The Deputation Committee meets and plans out their work for the year. More freshmen are penalized by the Men's Tribunal for failing to memorize college songs and cheers. The faculty decides to shorten classes on Saturday so that everyone will be able to attend the football game against Gettysburg.


Dickinsonian, May 12, 1927

An article outlines Professor Norcross's reasoning surrounding the rise in student suicides. Professor Leon C. Prince has eleven speeches to give in various states between mid-May and Commencement, including nine Commencement addresses. The Dickinson Tennis team opened the season successfully when it returned victorious in matches against Washington and Jefferson, Grove City, and the University of Pittsburgh. The principle speakers at the annual Dickinsonian Banquet included M.H.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1927

Detailed discussion of the Junior Prom. Upcoming production of "Icebound" by the Dickinson Theater Group. Religion professor, L. G. Rohrbaugh just completed a book to be published entitled, "The Science of Religion." Dickinson Men's Basketball finishes their season win a victory over Gettysburg. The Dickinsonian student staff interviews Professor Leon C. Prince on modern student problems.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1932

Professor Leon Cushing Prince plans to run for re-election to state senate. International Relations Club begins, plans meeting on Sino-Japanese question. Professor Horace E. Rogers presents paper to Society of Rheologists. Sophomore dance planned. Bishop Ernest G. Richardson, '96, is elected president of Anti-Saloon League of America. YMCA meeting discusses racial prejudice.
