Dickinsonian, November 8, 1928

Fraternities forbid use of intoxicants and begin to lead weekly YMCA meetings.  The Dickinsonian reports that Professor Leon C. Prince and alum Russel R. Kohr are elected as State Senator and Assemblyman, respectively.  Despite rain, Dickinson College hosts its largest Homecoming yet, with six hundred at the reception.  Alumni, however, ask that the Homecoming contest be held in Carlisle in years to follow, as opposed to Harrisburg.  The Dramatic Club chooses the cast for its December rendition of the melodramatic play "Children of the Moon".

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 3, 1928

Professor J.F. Mohler leads the Scientific Club in studying the heavens via powerful telescopes.  Professor Leon C. Prince thanks the school band for their assistance in a campaign visit to Duncannon.  Senior William R. Smith and his Sigma Chi fraternity brothers direct traffic and return a deer to Mooreland Park after a blizzard on the previous Friday, April 27th.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1928

The Alpha Gamma honorary journalistic fraternity holds an editorial contest with the subject "What Dickinson Needs Most".  A humor paper entitled "Thalia", privately owned by several Dickinson students, prepares to make its debut on May 20th.  English literature instructor B. Floyd Rinker gives up his post to pursue further graduate work.  Professor Leon C.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1928

Several sports teams begin their campaigns: the track team in a dual meet against Schuykill at Biddle Field; the tennis team against the netmen of Franklin and Marshall; and the baseball team away against Penn State University.  It is announced that United States Commissioner of Education John James Tigert, L.L.D., will be the commencement speaker on June 4th.  Professor Leon C. Prince becomes set to deliver a series of addresses throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland following his March 29th address on "Modern Axes and Ancient Landmarks".  Professor Paul H.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1928

The Autobiography of 15th president James Buchanan tells of early days at Dickinson College. The Debating season opens with a triangular meet with Haverford and Ursinus. Prof. Quimby speaks on Sex and the Bible. Dickinson attends the annual National Student Federation of America conference. Prof. Leon C. Prince announces his candidacy for Pennsylvania State Senator. Over the Christmas break, a janitor stops a small fire in Conway Hall.
