Dickinsonian Newspaper

Inter-Fraternity Council

Dickinsonian Front Page

Football team defeated by F&M. Freshmen win track meet against Sophomores. Inter-Fraternity Council charges Beta Theta Pi with violations of the Inter-Fraternity agreement.

Dickinsonian Front Page

James L. Beighle is elected president of Student Senate. Juniors select officers in final class elections. The town members of Carlisle plan to decorate the town for commencement. Athletic Association is considering making an athletic club house. Skitch-a-Genee initiations. Dramatic Club...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Phi Beta Kappa honor society to celebrate anniversary in 1926. Faculty delays vote on honor code, unlikely to go into effect for mid-years; students voice opinions on the code. Report of an intruder in Metzger Hall, the girl's dormitory. Dean of Women Josephine Meredith "grabbed a revolver and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A poll on the World Court is taken by the YMCA and YWCA, while Prof. Leon Prince spoke against US involvement in the World Court in chapel. The Inter-Fraternity Council adopts new by-laws; new laws on rushing, bidding, and preferential bidding for pledges; new policies for violations and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

In this issue of the Dickinsonian, the Inter-Fraternity Council meets to discuss a new timeline for yearly Rush activities. President Morgan's health improves after a recent condition. In her chapel address, Cora Wilson Stewart, co-founder of the Moonlight Schools, calls to wipe out illiteracy...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Dickinson Follies production "Out of the Red" will open the following Thursday, with huge crowds anticipated. The Inter-Fraternity Council adopts a new constitution. Nine junior women are tapped to join the Wheel and Chain Society. Popular pianists Ozan Marsh and Patricia Benkman give a free...

Dickinsonian Front Page

President Edel approves the plans for the snack bar sponsored by the All-College Social Committee. The Inter-Fraternity Council seeks independence from the Student Senate. Dr. Calvin Stout, headmaster of The American School for Boys in Baghdad, Iraq, speaks in chapel. Article about the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Student Senate hears of the Board of Trustees refusal for the establishment of a campus radio statement. The Inter-Fraternity Council receives independence from the Student Senate. Profile on Dr. Milton W. Eddy. Dickinson Swimming beats Drexel University. Beta Theta Pi and Phi Psi remain...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Students oppose the proposed April 14 pledging cutoff. Senior Laurie Lucas is crowned Miss Cumberland Valley. Historian Fritz Stern discusses Einstein's Germany in a public lecture. Seniors in the Nisbet Program struggle with their Problem Oriented Experience papers, and faculty members question...

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