Dickinsonian, May 20, 1922

James L. Beighle is elected president of Student Senate. Juniors select officers in final class elections. The town members of Carlisle plan to decorate the town for commencement. Athletic Association is considering making an athletic club house. Skitch-a-Genee initiations. Dramatic Club production. Inter-Fraternity Council elections. Belles Lettres Society elections. Tau Kappa Alpha initiations. Carlisle loses to Harrisburg in chess. Debating conference at Penn State. Mohler Scientific Club elections. The Tennis Team may compete in championships. Update on Greek Club production.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1922

Celebration of Founders' Day. Commencement play cast is chosen. Intense planning of commencement activities. Proposed changes to the Athletic Association policies. Update on the Greek Club production. The Pinchot for Governor club is officially formed. Professor Forrest Craver was defeated in chess by Frank J. Marshall, the champion of the United States. Skitch-a-Genee elections. Professor Norcross is picked by National Commander Hanford E. MacNider to represent the Eighteenth Congressional district on the Speakers' Bureau of the American Legion. Dean Filler will address the Y. M. C. A.
