Dickinsonian, May 6, 1922

Celebration of Founders' Day. Commencement play cast is chosen. Intense planning of commencement activities. Proposed changes to the Athletic Association policies. Update on the Greek Club production. The Pinchot for Governor club is officially formed. Professor Forrest Craver was defeated in chess by Frank J. Marshall, the champion of the United States. Skitch-a-Genee elections. Professor Norcross is picked by National Commander Hanford E. MacNider to represent the Eighteenth Congressional district on the Speakers' Bureau of the American Legion. Dean Filler will address the Y. M. C. A.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1922

Exhibit on the life and works of Dante. Norman Angell will address the college. Freshmen class rejects the use of an honor system during examinations. Announcement of the annual Sophomore Hop. Announcement of a stunt night. Madame de Vilaine lectures the French Club in Harmon Hall. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge will speak at the next Y. M. C. A. meeting. Orchestra club returns from a strike. Kappa Sigma entertains a Bible class. W. H. Loban is awarded a "D". Dr. Vogt speaks. Robert C. Young obituary. Professor Rosenberger speaks to the Mohler Scientific Club.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1896

Formation of Philosophy Club. Formation of the Philadelphia Club. Literary Society anniversaries. Washington's birthday celebration. Junior cremation. Sigma Alpha Epsilon convention. Y. W. C. A. prayer meeting.


Dickinsonian, October 1895

Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. reception. Epworth League reception to new students. Proposal for an honor system. Senior class elections results. Comments on the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the public school system. The Carlisle Indian School has a weekly newspaper called the Indian Helper.


Dickinsonian, October 28, 1908

Publishing of the school's athletic eligibity rules. Pi Beta Phi reception. Debate over Taft or Bryan for president. Reverend John N. Forman will speak to the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.. Dickinson College Shakespeare Club is organized.

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Dickinsonian, October 7, 1908

Bryan League organized in Prettyman Hall. Installation of Mergenthaler Linotype Machine for the Dickinsonian. Third Section banquet. Preliminaries for Inter-Collegiate Debate Team held in Denny Hall. Pr0fessor Charles Hilliard lecture. Female members of the Carlisle Indian School entertained the women Dickinson's Y. W. C. A.. Old West banquet. Phi Delta Theta dance. Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association tournament.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1908

School trip to Gettysburg. Student from the Carlisle Indian School, Frank Mt. Pleasant, transfers to Dickinson to play on the football team. Y. W. C. A. lemon reception in Lloyd Hall. Sophomore reception in the Assembly Hall. Formation of a Republican Club at Dickinson. Second section banquet. Pennsylvania Chautauqua held at Mt. Gretna. Beta Theta Pi informal dance. Sigma Alpha Epsilon dance at Mt. Holly.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1900

The Union Philosophical Society and the Belles Lettres Society debate in Bosler Hall, the latter the victor. The J. Herman Bosler Library is opened. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. has a missionary meeting in Chapel Hall. First section of Senior Foresnsics is held. Announcement of the annual Mid-Winter sports cup.

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Dickinsonian, September 15, 1900

Announcements of changes in the Dickinson College faculty. The Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. reception is held. Announcement of Y. M. C. A. devotional meeting. Obituary for student Oscar Webster, and senior Law School student Christian E. Lauer. Results of the Athletic Association elections are announced. A list of new students.

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Dickinsonian, September 14, 1901

Dickinson banquet is held at the beginning of the year. Athletic Association meeting. New Dickinson College Preparatory School building. Memorial service for President McKinley. Annual reception for the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. in Chapel Hall. List of new students.

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