Dickinsonian, January 21, 1922

Lewis S. Sadler obituary. Mr. Shedd will address the College Press Club. Preparations for the Week of Prayer. The Freshmen and Sophomore classes win the second round of the interclass basketball games. Belles Lettres Society election results. Notes on Norman Angell address. Reverend Mudge address. Dr. John W. Handcher is placed in charge of the college fundraising campaign. Professor Norcross address on "The Psychological Effects of Adequate Street Lighting". Tryouts for the Dramatic Club's production of "Officer 666". College Orchestra refused financial remuneration.


Dickinsonian, January 14, 1922

Exhibit on the life and works of Dante. Norman Angell will address the college. Freshmen class rejects the use of an honor system during examinations. Announcement of the annual Sophomore Hop. Announcement of a stunt night. Madame de Vilaine lectures the French Club in Harmon Hall. Dr. Lewis S. Mudge will speak at the next Y. M. C. A. meeting. Orchestra club returns from a strike. Kappa Sigma entertains a Bible class. W. H. Loban is awarded a "D". Dr. Vogt speaks. Robert C. Young obituary. Professor Rosenberger speaks to the Mohler Scientific Club.
