Dickinsonian, May 13, 1922

Reverend Ismar J. Peritz will speak to the college. Arrangements for Founders' Day finalized. Cremation will be held on Biddle Field. Dr. William B. Lindsay, former professor, dies from grief. Philomel Club is to perform for commencement. Freshmen plan to burn dinks. Beta Theta Pi banquet. Update on 1923 Microcosm. Prizes awarded for French. Dean Smith of Bryn Mawr College speaks to students. Annual outing of the Senior Class in Bellaire Park. Orchestra returns from second strike. MacIntire Society elections.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1922

Celebration of Founders' Day. Commencement play cast is chosen. Intense planning of commencement activities. Proposed changes to the Athletic Association policies. Update on the Greek Club production. The Pinchot for Governor club is officially formed. Professor Forrest Craver was defeated in chess by Frank J. Marshall, the champion of the United States. Skitch-a-Genee elections. Professor Norcross is picked by National Commander Hanford E. MacNider to represent the Eighteenth Congressional district on the Speakers' Bureau of the American Legion. Dean Filler will address the Y. M. C. A.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1922

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian Managerial Board elections. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate postponed. Professor Prince speaks at the Harrisburg Teachers' Association. Proposed Budget System was approved by student senate. John Hays will give a radio concert. Obituary for Miss Mary Dillon. Sophomore Oratorical Contest.


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1908

School trip to Gettysburg. Formation of the Press Club. New rules are placed upon Freshmen. Republican Club mass meeting in Chapel Hall. Phi Kappa Sigma Founders' Day anniversary ride to Dillsburg. Civic Club concert. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Inter-Fraternity Smoker. H. H. Mercer to speak at Bryan League meeting. Phi Delta Theta smoker.
