Dickinsonian, April 25, 1925

Baseball team loses to F & M and Bucknell. Track team loses to Haverford. Relay teams to compete in Penn Relays. Tennis team to open season with match against Gettysburg. Laura Puffer Morgan, legislative secretary of the National Council for the Prevention of War, to address local branch of American Association of University Women.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1925

Peck Mills Orchestra to entertain at Junior Prom. Basketball team defeated by Williams and Amherst, win Temple match up. Senior class makes plans to build a class memorial at the corner of College and High Streets. Debate team to meet Lebanon Valley College. Girl's basketball team wins third consecutive game in match against Schuyllkill. Jacob M. "Dad" Steigelman, crossing watchman at College and High Streets and campus regular, dies; editorials published in his memory.

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Dickinsonian, January 17, 1925

Phi Beta Kappa honor society to celebrate anniversary in 1926. Faculty delays vote on honor code, unlikely to go into effect for mid-years; students voice opinions on the code. Report of an intruder in Metzger Hall, the girl's dormitory. Dean of Women Josephine Meredith "grabbed a revolver and started after the bold intruder." Inter-fraternity Council bars Delta Chi fraternity of Law School from admission to council.


Dickinsonian, December 19, 1925

Dickinson attends the National Undergraduate Inter-Fraternity Council held in NYC and returns with new suggested policies. The Glee Club will give a Christmas Concert. Ninety men, 64% of the men in the present freshman class, pledged to a fraternity. The Annual Doll Show raised $95. Players are honored at the annual football banquet. Plans are made for the freshman song examination.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1925

The YWCA will send proceeds and dolls from their Annual Doll Show to the children of prisoners in New York City. Mr. L. F. Bower, young people's secretary of the college, has been added as a chairman to the Debating Council and try-outs will be held for two full teams. The College Glee Club will give their first concert of the year at Newville Highschool. The basketball team opens the season in an away game against the City College of New York. With rushing drawn to a close, freshman will be pledged to their chosen fraternity.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1925

The Dickinson football team has a good season, ending the year with only 2 defeats. Women's Senate will hold a meeting to vote upon recommendations made by the Woman's Intercollegiate Association of Student Government. Fraternity rushing begins. The poll taken by the YMCA and YWCA shows that the student body favors entering the World Court. The Women's Basketball team begins practices. The YWCA will hold its annual Doll Show.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1925

A poll on the World Court is taken by the YMCA and YWCA, while Prof. Leon Prince spoke against US involvement in the World Court in chapel. The Inter-Fraternity Council adopts new by-laws; new laws on rushing, bidding, and preferential bidding for pledges; new policies for violations and penalties; and a required grade average to pledge. Photography begins for the 1927 Microcosm. The football team takes a 34 to 0 victory over the Pennsylvania Military College.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1925

The cabinets of the YMCA and YWCA join forces to continue to educate students about US involvement in the World Court. The question of the United States entering the World Court will be put to Congress in December and it is the goal of the YMCA for students voices to be heard by taking a poll  to present to Congress. The football team is defeated 0 to 6 by their Gettysburg rivals. Dickinson will receive $150,000 in the will of trustee Melville Gambrill.

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Dickinsonian, November 7, 1925

The second annual Parents and Alumni Day is a great success. The Theta Chi fraternity has purchased 270 West High Street to be used as a fraternity home. The French Club plans to preform Moliere's "La Grammaire." Dr. Richard Burton delivered a lecture in chapel on the subject of "Modern Tendency in Drama." The football team takes Albright College in a 13 to 6 victory and prepares to meet their arch-rivals Gettysburg. Dickinsonians attend an east central Pennsylvania conference on the World Court. The College celebrates Halloween with a Dance.

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1925

Dickinson ties Muhlenberg College 0-0 in a rainy football match.  Marthues Dougherty wins the award for best cheer handed into the cheer contest committee. Professor Richard Burton will deliver a lecture as part of a series of Chapel entertainments. The college prepares to celebrate Parents' and Alumni Day. The Interfraternity Council plans to revise rushing rules. Women's Basketball practice will begin. Pledge day for women's fraternities will be held in the coming week.

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Dickinsonian, October 24, 1925

Dickinson takes a 7 - 0 victory over Franklin and Marshall and Robert Books is elected team captain. Paul Vernon and His cleveland Symphonic Quintet will give a concert in the Chapel. Presidents of the Men's and Women's Senates and Editor of the Dickinsonian will attend a District Council through the Council of Christian Associations to debate the entrance of the United States into the World Court. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority receives the Scholarship Cup given by Pi Beta Phi for scholastic achievement. The YWCA holds a service of recognition for all the new women of the college.
