Dickinsonian, May 25, 1910
Senior standings announced. Oratorical contest held. The Comus Club to hold a dance in the Armory.
Senior standings announced. Oratorical contest held. The Comus Club to hold a dance in the Armory.
YWCA and YMCA jointly hold a fete in the gymnasium. Intercollegiate Debating teams are restructured. A new department for the teaching of oral composition and debating is proposed. Senate for 1911 elected. Department of Oratory announces final contest. 1911 Microcosm published. The Union Philosophical Society, the College Band, and the Harman Literary Society hold officer elections. Halley's comet passes by.
Results of class elections published. Belles Lettres oratorical contest won by J. Wesley Lord, '27 and Russel King, '28. Baseball team loses to Albright. Track team defeated in Central Pa. Conference meet.
The All-College Social Committee announces plans for the Founders' Day celebration, to include two athletic events and a play produced by the Greek Club, among other things. Pi Beta Phi, as a part of the Pan Hellenic Council's lecture series, hosts a lecture on health featuring Dr. E H Matzke, a female doctor from Philadelphia. Five junior students will take part in an oratorical contest for the Pierson Prize. The YWCA elects a new cabinet. Twelve students will attend the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be held in Springfield, MA.