Dickinsonian, November 12, 1898

The Dickinson football team suffers its first defeat of the season against the Carlisle Indian School. The editors request that a student help curate the Dickinson Museum in Tome. Gettysburg representatives visit Dickinson to set up the athletic game schedule. Meeting held for state elections.

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Dickinsonian, February 6, 1926

Dickinson considers entering into a football conference with seven other local colleges--including Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlemberg, Haverford, Ursinus, and Swarthmore. Try-outs are held for the Drama Club's winter production of "the Whole Town's Talking." The Dickinson Basketball team takes its 6th stright win over the undefeated Mount Saint Mary's. A three day Bible exhibit will be held at Allison Church where B. Floyd Rinker of the English department will speek on the history of the bible. Dr. G. Whitfield Ray gave a Chapel talk about life in South America.

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Dickinsonian, January 9, 1926

Student Senate President George Zierden will give a public apology at Gettysburg College for the "D"s painted on the gates of the college before their game against Dickinson. The Glee Club departs for a four day trip through Maryland. Christian F. Baiz, '27, is chosen as manager for the 1926 football team. The Dickinson Debate team considers forming a new triangular debate with Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall Colleges. Student Senate will form a Student Intermediary Committee with the purpose of presenting ideas and movements with heavy student support to the faculty. William W.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1925

The cabinets of the YMCA and YWCA join forces to continue to educate students about US involvement in the World Court. The question of the United States entering the World Court will be put to Congress in December and it is the goal of the YMCA for students voices to be heard by taking a poll  to present to Congress. The football team is defeated 0 to 6 by their Gettysburg rivals. Dickinson will receive $150,000 in the will of trustee Melville Gambrill.

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Dickinsonian, November 7, 1925

The second annual Parents and Alumni Day is a great success. The Theta Chi fraternity has purchased 270 West High Street to be used as a fraternity home. The French Club plans to preform Moliere's "La Grammaire." Dr. Richard Burton delivered a lecture in chapel on the subject of "Modern Tendency in Drama." The football team takes Albright College in a 13 to 6 victory and prepares to meet their arch-rivals Gettysburg. Dickinsonians attend an east central Pennsylvania conference on the World Court. The College celebrates Halloween with a Dance.

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Dickinsonian, February 16, 1924

Phi Beta Kappa elects three senior students. Professor Leon C. Prince announces his candidacy for Congress in the Republican party. Members of the Student Senate critique the practice of group representation in Senate elections and express the need for cooperation and a definite definition of Senate's field of activity. A debate will be held between two Dickinson students and two students from Gettysburg on the Bok Peace Plan. The Glee Club performs a concert in Harrisburg.

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Dickinsonian, January 19, 1928

Tentative plans are made for the formation of an Alpha Gamma honorary journalistic fraternity. In his Chapel address to the College, Dr. Samuel Parkes Cadman speaks on "The Gift of Imagination" and urges students to dream. President Morgan celebrates his 50th year of almost continuous service to Dickinson, his alma mater. The basketball team loses to Mt. St. Mary's and Gettysburg. Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart will speak on "The Story of the Moonlight Schools," which explores illiteracy in the mountains of her native Kentucky. 

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Dickinsonian, March 19, 1942

More plans for Pan-Hell Week are being made, especially for the Pan-Hell Dance. A group of students is going with Prof. Fink to the 7th Annual Debaters Conference at State College. Defense stamps will be given when Kappa Sigma hosts its annual Spring Formal rather than corsages. Student Opinion Surveys of America poll about the lack of math college students have studied. Donald Ellswoth Austin '38 is the first Dickinsonian to die in the war with the sinking of the U.S.S. Pope in the South West Pacific. Mixed ping pong tournament announced.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1942

Men from Dickinson will travel to attend a large Interfraternity Council meeting at Gettysburg College. Mixed ping pong tournament is being planned by Coach Kahler. Three initiated into Phi Beta Kappa. Four Dickinson students took the exam to enter West Point. Article on the behavior of three dogs on and around campus. Annual Championship between the winners of the Dickinson and Gettysburg Intramural Basketball championships. Five Dickinson men pass exams for the US Marine Corps and are admitted to the Reserves.

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Dickinsonian, November 3, 1938

Dickinson's newly founded Religious Association established policies, precedents, and procedures at their first ever meeting.  A group of students will assist the Religious Association in a social survey of hospitals, plants, and prisons.  Union Philosophical Society makes Wilbur M. Rabinowitiz head of the committee.  Dramatic Club presents "The Bat," a three-act play, to popular success; Elizabeth Ralston directs the production.  Belles Lettres admits ten new men; Dickinsonian admits 11 new members.  Dickinson graduate Arthur H.

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Dickinsonian, October 24, 1947

Dickinson's journalistic fraternity, Alpha Sigma Gamma, petitions national journalistic fraternity Pi Delta Epsilon for a charter. A group of 12 students visit the U.N. in New York. Ozan Marsh performs a piano recital, his second visit to Dickinson. A new program of inter-college cooperation between Dickinson, F&M, and Gettysburg, including an expansion of intramural sports competition and shared cultural and social events, is announced. A lecture is held on the state of affairs in Africa in terms of both economics and social structure.

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