Dickinsonian, December 19, 1925

Dickinson attends the National Undergraduate Inter-Fraternity Council held in NYC and returns with new suggested policies. The Glee Club will give a Christmas Concert. Ninety men, 64% of the men in the present freshman class, pledged to a fraternity. The Annual Doll Show raised $95. Players are honored at the annual football banquet. Plans are made for the freshman song examination.


Dickinsonian, November 14, 1925

The cabinets of the YMCA and YWCA join forces to continue to educate students about US involvement in the World Court. The question of the United States entering the World Court will be put to Congress in December and it is the goal of the YMCA for students voices to be heard by taking a poll  to present to Congress. The football team is defeated 0 to 6 by their Gettysburg rivals. Dickinson will receive $150,000 in the will of trustee Melville Gambrill.

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