Dickinsonian Newspaper

Republican primary

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Alpha Gamma honorary journalistic fraternity holds an editorial contest with the subject "What Dickinson Needs Most".  A humor paper entitled "Thalia", privately owned by several Dickinson students, prepares to make its debut on May 20th.  English literature instructor B. Floyd Rinker gives...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professor J.F. Mohler leads the Scientific Club in studying the heavens via powerful telescopes.  Professor Leon C. Prince thanks the school band for their assistance in a campaign visit to Duncannon.  Senior William R. Smith and his Sigma Chi fraternity brothers direct traffic and return a deer...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson's newly founded Religious Association established policies, precedents, and procedures at their first ever meeting.  A group of students will assist the Religious Association in a social survey of hospitals, plants, and prisons.  Union Philosophical Society makes Wilbur M. Rabinowitiz...

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