Dickinson's newly founded Religious Association established policies, precedents, and procedures at their first ever meeting.  A group of students will assist the Religious Association in a social survey of hospitals, plants, and prisons.  Union Philosophical Society makes Wilbur M. Rabinowitiz head of the committee.  Dramatic Club presents "The Bat," a three-act play, to popular success; Elizabeth Ralston directs the production.  Belles Lettres admits ten new men; Dickinsonian admits 11 new members.  Dickinson graduate Arthur H. James wins the Republican gubernatorial primary to gain the Republican nomination.  Judge Charles W. Boote gives a speech on fatherhood before the faculty and students of Dickinson on Dad's Day.  Dr. [?] Harris, X-ray technician at Carlisle Hospital, speaks to the Mohler Scientific Club on the history and merits of X-rays in medicine.  Student Senate meets in the Assembly Room of Old West.  George Hummel and S. Walter Stouffer, trustees of Gettysburg College and Dickinson College, respectively, host the third annual Dickinson-Gettysburg better relations banquet in York, PA.  John Ulrich writes an opinion column on the origins and the proper categorization of swing music.  Football loses to Dartmouth.  Freshman football beats Blue Ridge Junior College.  Soccer loses to Delaware.  Football to play Susquehanna University next week.  Choral Club appoint committees; debate team candidates take part in tryouts.  Greek Club presents sketch about legend of Thetis. 

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