Dickinsonian, October 17, 1925

Though casts as the underdog, the football team slays Villa Nova in a 13-2 victory.  The College plans a Halloween Party. First year / Fraternity plans are voted down again, with the next proposition being to hold a series of smokers. Professor Herbert Wing, Jr. Debating Coach at Dickinson, is elected president of the Pennsylvania State Debating Association. The American Irish Historical Society will hold an essay contest on "The Irish Chapter in American History." Dickinson's football team is praised by a Philadelphia Paper.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1925

The football team opens their season with a game against Lebanon Valley ending in a 6-6 tie. Dickinson has been chosen to hold the twenty-first annual Student Volunteer conference of the colleges and seminaries of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  Revisions are made to the plan for first year / fraternity interacting to require that each fraternity send 1-3 representatives to every other fraternity on their night for entertainment. Both the Christian Fellowship Group and the French Club receive their largest attendance ever this year.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1925

Despite cold weather, the Annual College Picnic is a great success. The Belles Lettres Society received a letter from well-known minister and author Henry Van Dyke. The Interfraternity Scholarship Cup is presented to Phi Kappa Sigma. A meeting of the Interfraternity Council rejects the proposed arrangements for first year / fraternity interactions. A more moderate proposal calls for a series of gatherings in the college gymnasium where freshman will be the guests of fraternities. A novice tennis tournament is held to discover talent for next season's team.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1925

This week's issue of the Dickinsonian announces the elections of F. B. Giebel as president of the freshman class and Christopher P. Crook to the sophomore class. Football practice begins early in an effort to continue the path of last season's success. A committee of the Interfraternity Council presents their ideas for freshman involvement. In previous years, rushing agreements prohibited fraternity members to communicate with first year men; leading to a feeling of isolation from the rest of the campus.

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