Dickinsonian, April 24, 1997

College offers more merit scholarships in attempt to increase enrollment. College alumna Helen Mercer Witt '55 and an arbitration specialist both with speak at Commencement. College President A. Lee Fritschler goes to Washington, DC, to discuss education reform. College attempts to accommodate all learning disabled students. Article on alcohol on campus. Spring concert is cancelled as result of "confusion and misunderstanding." College to graduate its first Tibetan student, Tsewang Namgyal - discussion of his involvement in the Students for a Free Tibet campaign.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1910

Seniors present Dr. and Mrs. Reed with brass candlesticks in honor of their 21st year at the College.  Freshmen win the cap scrap agains the Sophomores by ingeniously concealing their caps in their shoes.  The day long Senior Ride up to Doubling Gap is a success.  Dickinson competes in annual Pennsylvania relay races in Philadelphia.  Student body is called to encourage the Senate to more activity and involvement.  Annual Dewey Night celebrations carried off more tamely than usual with a smoker in the gym.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1911

Freshmen win sophomores in annual cap scrap. Flag in college colors presented at chapel. Lecture to be given by Mr. Irving E. Vining about the " Types and tendencies of men". Phi Kappa Psi hosts housewarming to mark the remodeling of their house. Comus CLub dance postponed. Dr. W. A. Hunsberger resigns from post of assistant to the president. Short story titled "The Caterpiller" published in entirety.


Dickinsonian, May 5, 1923

Budget for upcoming term is adopted, with student body vote of 425 to 3. Baseball team defeats Ursinus. Founders' Day program completed by Social Committee, drama festival to be featured. Men's Senate moves to increase College spirit by reviving customs. More information on commencement week program given by Social Committee. Professor Vuilleumier develops another device for determining alcohol content, "The Dickinson Vestpocket Alchometer". YMCA cabinet to establish information booth on campus. Freshman class opposes present honor system.


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1923

College Baseball and Track teams both defeat opponents in Saturday match-ups. Dramatic Club experiences difficulty in choosing cast for "The Importance of Being Earnest" to be performed on June 4. Mile relay team to compete in Penn Relays. College YMCA to send representatives to student conference in Gettysburg. Women's Athletic Association plans new point system for women athletes. Commencement program announced by President Morgan. Spotlight on Helen Wehrle, '22, and her unusual experiences teaching the children of Tennessee mountaineers.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 25, 1925

Baseball team loses to F & M and Bucknell. Track team loses to Haverford. Relay teams to compete in Penn Relays. Tennis team to open season with match against Gettysburg. Laura Puffer Morgan, legislative secretary of the National Council for the Prevention of War, to address local branch of American Association of University Women.
