Dickinsonian, March 13, 1926

The basketball team ends an all-time best season with a record 15 wins. The Dramatic Club will present "The Whole Town's Talking."  Tickets go on sale for the Junior Prom. Prof. C. W. Prettyman was elected president of the newly formed Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1926

S. Marsh Johnson, former assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh, is elected by the Athletic Association as Dickinson's new football Coach. Dickinson has joined a one year trial Eastern Collegiate Athletic conference with the football programs of Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus. Joe Nesbit's Orchestra will provide the music for the Junior Prom this year. The Student Volunteer Conference is a popular success. Prof. Leon C. Prince delivered the main address of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Belles Lettres literary Society.


Dickinsonian, January 15, 1954

Professor Whitfield J. Bell resigns. Omicron Delta Kappa and Pi Delta Epsilon, national honorary leadership fraternities, tap new members. Aquatic Club performs annual show. Adult Education Program to be extended into the spring. Dickinson resigns from the Eastern College Athletic Conference, efforts underway to make the College a member of the NCAA.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1990

The nationwide, student-organized "Land Use in Our Backyard March" in Harrisburg attracts 400 demonstrators with 100 coming from Dickinson College. Lumberyard closes for repairs after bathroom is vandalized during Mardi Gras party. SASC proposes new description of relationship between College and student organizations, Open Forum to be held to discuss the changes. Committee works toward a campus-wide plan to improve and upgrade facilities for disabled students. Several campus groups sponsor Multicultural Fair/Black Arts Festival, opening with keynote speaker Dr. Manning Marable.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1989

SASC, IFC and Panhel discuss the suspension of Rush. College community fasts for Oxfam benefit. Dickinson students participate in pro-choice rally in Washington, DC. Choir and Jazz perform in their annual Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Jazz. DTG presents their fall dance concert, "New Attitudes". Football team defeats Ursinus, earning 2nd consecutive Centennial Conference championship and the College's first NCAA playoff bid. Volleyball places 2nd in ECAC playoffs. Cross Country teams race in MAC championships.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1993

Student Senate faces a deficit of over $30,000 due to a book keeping error. Native American couple Archie and Ramona Mason, from the Osage and Mvskoke tribes respectively, present "Images of a People: A Presentation of native American Life" discussing their cross-cultural marriage. The Woman's Center holds multiple activities in conjunction with Rape Awareness Week. A survey reveals new statistics about rape both on and off campus. The Faculty Personnel Committee will not allow romantic relationships between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1983

Construction on a new wall along high street in front of the Weiss Arts Center begins, and is met with much student opposition. COPUS sponsored an information session on Thursday, February 24th, to help students better understand their options regarding financial aid. The Weiss Center for Arts was recently flooded, but damage to the center was minimal, and faculty members continued to be optimistic about the new arts center. At the University of Denver, students convinced administrators to raise student fees so that the administration could provide better student services.


Dickinsonian, March 19, 1970

Senate approves a proposal for coed living units in Todd and Mathews houses with the first two floors for men and the rest for women. SDS questions business manager Bloodgood on campus working conditions and wages. The College receives a federal grant providing for community service and continuing education programs under Title I of the Higher Education Act for their program "The Carlisle Education-Action Program for Housing." The College fine arts department will hold an Indian Arts Festival. NSA and NAS consider financial merger.

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