Dickinsonian, March 1, 1990

The nationwide, student-organized "Land Use in Our Backyard March" in Harrisburg attracts 400 demonstrators with 100 coming from Dickinson College. Lumberyard closes for repairs after bathroom is vandalized during Mardi Gras party. SASC proposes new description of relationship between College and student organizations, Open Forum to be held to discuss the changes. Committee works toward a campus-wide plan to improve and upgrade facilities for disabled students. Several campus groups sponsor Multicultural Fair/Black Arts Festival, opening with keynote speaker Dr. Manning Marable.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1989

Faculty will vote on whether to retain Nisbet program. Stomach flu outbreak on campus. Phonathon incentives changed. Ethnic clubs host Multicultural and Black Arts Festival. Byers project renamed "The Lumberyard". Junior Angie Fernandez creates "One-to-One" adopt-a-grandparent program. Sophomore Danielle Lamie named Academic All-American. David Frohman becomes basketball coach.

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