Dickinsonian, January 17, 1958

Dr. William W. Edel will retire by March 1959 after 12 years as Dickinson's president. Similarly, Dr. Frank Ayres, head of the Math Department, announced that he will resign from Dickinson after 30 years of teaching. The Physics Department will receive a new department head, Dr. Henry Lincoln Yeagley, who comes from teaching at Penn State for 37 years. The "New South" snack bar opens in South College, featuring the special "Mermaid's Delight": a sponge cake with ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a cherry.

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Dickinsonian, October 20, 1950

Freshman Miss "Ricky" McCoid is selected to represent Dickinson College in the Esquire Calendar Contest. Mrs. Helen Woods speaks at chapel about traditions in the United States. The Social Committee presents plans for a snack bar to President Edel. Dr. Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. gives a speech at chapel about Dr. Benjamin Rush. Dickinson Football defeats Ursinus.

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Dickinsonian, August 27, 1999

U.S. News: College ranks 39th among top schools. College welcomes largest class ever. College developing new communities on campus. Renovations continue on campus with the new science center, the Kline Center, and the SNAR. Changes in dorm life spark new RA training. Community Directors added to Res. Life Staff. Presidential welcome for the masses. Dean offers words of wisdom for new students. Former freshman recounts his experiences for posterity.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1983

Construction on a new wall along high street in front of the Weiss Arts Center begins, and is met with much student opposition. COPUS sponsored an information session on Thursday, February 24th, to help students better understand their options regarding financial aid. The Weiss Center for Arts was recently flooded, but damage to the center was minimal, and faculty members continued to be optimistic about the new arts center. At the University of Denver, students convinced administrators to raise student fees so that the administration could provide better student services.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1984

Snack Bar reopens after delays in renovation push construction into October. Snack Bar exterior still uncompleted as of publish date. Controversy elicited by Red hats, in style similar to those of Wheel and Chain, Raven's Claw, given to campus R.A.s. Hats not to be worn on campus, but are to serve primarily as signs of appreciation. College kicks-off Sexual Education week with Woody Allen movie, speaker series. Dickinsonian editors among those present for briefing of College journalists by Reagan Administration officials.

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Dickinsonian, August 30, 1984

New construction on campus, completion of 'Townhouses' on Louther. Housing shortage on campus results from larger freshman class, improved retention rate. College changes alcohol policy regarding kegs on campus, restricting them to fraternity housing only. Denny Hall completely renovated for first time since 1905, while additions to Snack Bar (Snar) lag behind schedule. Phi Kappa Sigma suspended for two years. Review of campus alcohol policies nationwide and on campus. Music review of Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." and accompanying concert tour.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1975

Actor Will Stutts to present Evening with Mark Twain in ATS. An ice cream freezer and menu board are added to snack bar. Faculty favors plus-minus grading system. College plans a variety of cultural events for America's Bicentennial birthday. Prof. Happe is promoted to US Army Major. Committee for Social Alternatives puts on Burlesque Night.

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