Dickinsonian, November 17, 1977

In this edition, the two social organizations on campus, the Student Independent Organization (SIO) and the Committee for Social Alternatives (CSA) are called upon to create more opportunities for students to socialize on campus. College President Sam Banks and Dean George Allan will be teaching a course together called, "Persons: Philosophical Roots of Psychological Theory." A large article focuses on the College's music scene, showing that the Hermitage, the Adams Basement coffeehouse, has been hosting different musicians every weekend.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1975

Actor Will Stutts to present Evening with Mark Twain in ATS. An ice cream freezer and menu board are added to snack bar. Faculty favors plus-minus grading system. College plans a variety of cultural events for America's Bicentennial birthday. Prof. Happe is promoted to US Army Major. Committee for Social Alternatives puts on Burlesque Night.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 6, 1974

College Presidential candidate Samuel A Banks visits the College again. The Mermaid Players' final production of the year will be the 18th century English comedy The Clandestine Marriage. The Office of Student Services opens its miniweek program on Death and Dying with a panel discussion on death and religion. The Committee for Social Alternatives plan more activities for the upcoming year. Student Senate revises its fall budget. The Basketball team suffers two losses.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1974

Surprise sixth candidate for College President, Samuel Banks, shares his views on a liberal arts education. Student Senate debates proposed budget limits to four committees. Student Services will present a workshop on death and dying. The Pittsburgh Symphony chamber Orchestra gives a professional and well-received performance. The football team ends their season with a loss to John Hopkins bringing their final record to 5-4. 1973 Dickinson graduate Jeff Thompson will be the Junior Varsity Basketball Mentor.
