Dickinsonian, February 1893

Mrs. Mary O'Hara Spring and Miss Matilda W. Denny of Pittsburgh donate two properties on Main Street to the college; President Reed hopes to build a recitation hall on the O'Hara Spring property, which becomes Denny Hall.  The Denny property is sold to fund the construction. A floor is added to the gymnasium above the bowling alley for the purpose of indoor baseball practice, boxing, wrestling, and fencing. YMCA observes day of prayer.


Dickinsonian, January 1893

Student representatives are elected to the Intermediary Committee. Carlisle Alumni Association is formed. Beta Theta Pi brothers attend a reception and meet General James F. Rusling (Class of 1854). Balcony is removed from east end of East College. Belles Lettres Society elects officers; Strite is president.

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Dickinsonian, September 20, 1924

East College improved over summer break at $60,000 renovation cost. Student's secretary of the College Lahman Forrest Bower writes book entitled "The Economic Waste of Sin". Inter-Fraternity Council to strictly enforce rushing rules. Alumnus Rev. Frank T. Bell '02 dies in car accident. Analysis of previous year's grades published.


Dickinsonian, September 28, 1933

List of freshman class and overview of states they represent. College's heating system is rebuilt. Microcosm no longer to focus on senior class and no longer to be sole responsibility of Juniors. Freshman orientation. New demerit system outlined. Carnegie Room opened in Denny to display art. Karl T. Waugh resigns presidency; James Henry Morgan is elected president for third time. Watson Pedlow, '29, and Fred Klemm, '33, study abroad in Germany (description of how this is financed). Montgomery P. Sellers recovers from nervous breakdown and eye injury.


Dickinsonian, May 17, 1924

Professor Earnest A. Vuilleumier invents a solids hydrometer, to be used in determining the specific gravity of solid substances. The Board of Trustees authorizes the drawing up of architectural plans for renovations to the college's dormitories and the building of a new gymnasium. New events to be featured during commencement are outlined, designed to include significantly more alumni involvement than in previous years. The French Club presents its two plays in Metzger Hall to overwhelmingly good reviews.


Dickinsonian, May 2, 1940

The Province Convention of Sigma Alpha Epsilon comes to Dickinson for the first time, with an expected attendance of nearly 200 delegates and alumni. Little Jack Little is announced as the entertainment at the annual Senior Prom. Skull and Key taps nine sophomores for membership, while Wheel and Chain picks eight juniors. The demolition of certain parts of Bosler Hall, now complete, reveals the location of a long-forgotten College cistern and unearths two lost pieces of administrative documentation.

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Dickinsonian, April 20, 1940

The seventh annual Guest Day for prospective students gets underway. A group of pranksters locks the only door to Bosler Hall (then under construction) while seven people, including College Dean Ernest Vuilleumier, are inside, forcing them to climb through the rubble in the back of the building. Howard Williams, captain of the basketball team, is awarded the Phi Epsilon Pi Most Valuable Player trophy.

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Dickinsonian, April 11, 1940

Missionary and author Sherwood Eddy visits campus to lead a Q&A session on the subject of Europe's economic, political, social, and religious situations. Demolition and renovation of Bosler Hall gets underway, the eventual goal being a $125,000 overhaul of the library building. The College Orchestra publishes the six-piece program for its annual spring concert, to be held the following night. The baseball team wins its first game of the season (against Blue Ridge) 9 to 4.

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Dickinsonian, May 18, 1939

Dickinson College to reconstruct Bosler Hall. Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox to speak at Commencement. Former Cumberland County resident, Daniel Drawbaugh laid claim to title of inventor of the telephone in 1881. Alice Abbott, the first girl to make the men's varsity tennis team at Dickinson, has been asked to play on the Junior Wightman Cup Tennis Team. Hazel Fager takes victory in archery.

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Dickinsonian, November 10, 1950

The Student Senate censures a number of men for participating in a raid of Gibbs House on October 31. Famous British novelist, Elizabeth Bowen will speak at the College. Kappa Sigma wins the contest for best display during Homecoming. The Dickinson Mermaid is returned to President Edel and the College. Construction of the new women's dormitory is underway. Gettysburg defeats Dickinson in epic Football match. Profiles on student athletes, Gene Oyler and Dick Relick.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1950

College confirms plans for campus renovations, including a new women's dormitory. Grant Reynard speaks in chapel about the importance of artistic expression. Students will vote to select a winner for the "Miss Esquire Calendar Girl , 1951" competition. Profile on student athlete, Larry Stevens."

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 2004

This issue includes articles on students wanting to expand the College's Study Abroad options. Reviews on the events during Multicultural Week. Announcement of the opening of the Conflict Resolution Resource Center under the direction of Shalom Staub. Description of a variety of campus renovations. Announcement that the Waidner-Spahr Library goes wireless. Spotlight on the Astronomy Club. Musical artist Ben Folds cancels concert at Dickinson due to illness; however, he hopes to reschedule.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1982

President Sam Banks makes plans to renovate Bosler and Denny. The College adopts a new sexual harassment policy, which was the year's work of the Commission on the Status of Women committee. Diane Jefferson is the new counselor/coordinator of Minority Affairs at the College. Students discuss the renovation costs of Bosler and Denny Halls after the College just newly built a gymnasium and recently renovated the gym-turned-arts-building. The paper features a view inside the newly renovated Arts Center as it is due to be open soon.


Dickinsonian, September 18, 1986

President Sam Banks has decided to take another position at the University of Richmond as their College President. The Alpha Chi Rho fraternity has been renovating their social room's floor. The Campus Activity Board promises more events for the year, more than just the coffeehouse. Dickinson plays host to two exchange students from Bremen, Olaf Andersen and Gerald Sidek.


Dickinsonian, September 11, 1986

Work still continues on the wall surrounding Morgan Field. Several alcohol incidents that ended in hospital trips for freshman students caused the Resident Assistants to create new policies on alcohol use. The dining hall renovations have be put on hold due to limited financial resources and construction happening elsewhere on campus. The Geology and Psychology departments start to move into what becomes known as the Benjamin D. James Center. The year's freshman classes is yet again the largest in the history of the College and also of a higher quality than previous years.


Dickinsonian, February 20, 1986

The annual Public Affairs Symposium has commenced, and features former Massachusetts congressman, Father Robert Drinan. The WDCV radio station received at $14,500 loan to go stereo, and will repay the loan over a five year period. The College plans to remodel Drayer Hall, and through some investigation found that Morgan Hall is just as in need of repair. Sigma Alpha Epsilon violated a code of conduct during Affiliation Weekend and face "social probation."


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1968

The fourth annual Derby Day Steal sponsored by Sigma Chi kicked off Parents' weekend. Both East College and Bosler Hall had to put off renovation due to fund shortages. Tom Martin, president of the Student Senate, outlined the challenges that are to be faced by the student representative on a faculty committee. Suzanne Lail was elected president of the Women's Interdormitory Council. Dr. Alfred Levin and Dr. Stephen Coslett are proposing a speed reading class to the administration. A group of six geology students led by Professor H.W.
