Dickinsonian, July 1876
President McCauley's baccalaureate speech. A junior oratorical contest is held. Class day. Commencement. Alumni meeting is held. Classes of '66 and '71 hold reunions.
President McCauley's baccalaureate speech. A junior oratorical contest is held. Class day. Commencement. Alumni meeting is held. Classes of '66 and '71 hold reunions.
An alumni reunion is held in Philadelphia. Union Philosophical Society celebrates its 87th anniversary. Charles F. Robbins, student, dies of typhoid fever, to which an article is written in memoriam. The Belles Lettres Society and the Sigma Chi Fraternity also present their condolences. The Belles Lettres Society celebrates its 90th anniversary. An instance of a duel that almost took place in the 1850s is recounted by an alumni.
Belles Lettres challenges Union Philosophical Society to a public debate. Alumni plan a Grand Centennial Reunion in Philadelphia.
Alumni hold a reunion in Baltimore. The Class Day officers are elected; G. E. Morgan is president. Class of 1871 plans a 15-year reunion. The Alumni Association holds a meeting in Philadelphia.
Alumni hold a reunion in Baltimore. Thanksgiving Day celebrations are held at Second Presbyterian Church. An editorial discusses "signs of the times" regarding society and its values. Class Day elections are held early during this school year.
General Alumni Reunion is planned. College vs. Townies baseball game. Reconstruction of the limestone wall bordering campus begins. Dickinson chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma to celebrate its anniversary.