Dickinsonian, November 10, 1950

The Student Senate censures a number of men for participating in a raid of Gibbs House on October 31. Famous British novelist, Elizabeth Bowen will speak at the College. Kappa Sigma wins the contest for best display during Homecoming. The Dickinson Mermaid is returned to President Edel and the College. Construction of the new women's dormitory is underway. Gettysburg defeats Dickinson in epic Football match. Profiles on student athletes, Gene Oyler and Dick Relick.


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1959

Student Senate requests its members declare their party affiliations. Dean of Contemporary American Poets Robert Lee Frost receives first Dickinson College Arts Award. Dean of Women Victoria Kathryn Hann resigns. Students extinguish fire in Gibbs House. Howard C. Long becomes physics professor.

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Dickinsonian, October 5, 1962

In this issue the Dickinsonian celebrates its 90th birthday. College receives reaffirmation of accreditation with the MSA. Alums return for Homecoming festivities. Fraternities plan for an earlier rush. Various articles from previous Dickinsonians including a poll of students wishing for a third term for Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, Dolly Longsdorf first coed of Dickinson, Dickinson congratulated for its Syphilis exams. Cosi Fan Tutte performed by Turnau Opera Players. Dr. Harmon L. Smith to visit as speaker in the Religious Emphasis Program.

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