Dickinsonian, January 12, 1924

Five thousand domestic students and 1000 international students, including 5 representatives from Dickinson College, attend a youth leadership conference in Indiana to discuss the possibility of Christian solutions to global problems. Coach Richard McAndrews is elected athletic director of the college. The non-fraternity men create a new social organization for themselves. Dickinson participates in a nation-wide referendum on the winning Bok Peace Plan. The various men's fraternities pledge 71 men. New rules regarding eligibility to participate in athletics go into effect.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1923

Dickinson alumnus and professor Charles W. Super writes a book on college history, giving special attention to college traditions and student life during different periods. The Doll Show and Bazaar takes place in Metzger Hall. Plans for Christmas entertainment are announced, to include caroling and a collection of donations for underprivileged children in Tennessee. An informal debate with Gettysburg is planned for after the holiday break. Belles Lettres holds a spelling bee and a debate on coeducation at Dickinson in a joint meeting with the Harmon and McIntyre women's literary societies.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1923

The basketball season opens against Brooklyn Polytechnic. Statistics for the recently closed football season appear. A concert by basso Charles Trowbridge Titmann is announced for the following week. A banquet for the football team is held by the Athletic Association. The women's fraternities pledge 26 new members. An article appears written by an alumnus living in China on the nation's move towards modernization. The debate team holds its second round of try outs. An article about local support of Dickinson football appears. Professor W. W.


Dickinsonian, November 18, 1926

Fraternity initiates are not permitted to pledge until the end of the Fall term in order to assure passing grades. Colonel Frank R. Keefer, class of 1885, has been appointed by President Coolidge Brigadier-General and Assistant Surgeon-General of the U.S. Army. M. Grace Betchel donates $1,000 to the College. Discussion of upcoming Phi Beta Kappa Sesqui-Centennial at the College of William and Mary. Article on the benefits of businessmen knowing multiple languages.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1927

The football team opens their season with an 8 to 0 win over Juniata College. The College Body looses 198 students from last year who fail to return for various reasons. The Athletic Association debates dropping baseball as an Intercolligate sport at Dickinson. 103 men, 63% of the freshman class, pledge to fraternities.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 14, 1975

Abolition of the Dean's List sparks much debate among students. Students now have access to their academic files under the recently enacted "Buckley Amendment." Fraternity pledges are on the upswing. Eight additional students are honored as Dana Scholars. New President Sam Banks outlines his planed policies in a Campus Comment. An editorial examines town-gown relationships.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1967

Viral respiratory infection epidemic hits campus as a record 1000 students visit infirmary. Fraternity rush "certification" by faculty allows fraternities to pledge freshmen. Jeff Baron finishes sculpture for area between Union and new library. Mermaid Players to perform "As You Like It." Dr. Bell Irvin Wiley to deliver Spahr Lecture. Young Republicans sponsor forum. Professor Larry Warner explains the significance of a cultural affairs series to the college. Sorority rush concludes with 58 women pledging. William Diebold, Jr. to speak at College Lecture Series.


Dickinsonian, May 15, 1964

Inter-fraternity Council writes rules to be enforced next semester. Pi Delta Epsilon initiates 8 members. Three seniors - Virginia Compton, Keith Cohick and Susie Teller - admitted to Peace Corps. Students praise study plan but criticize restricted electives of recent academic revisions. Physics department awarded $20,000 from National Science Foundation for new equipment. Lacrosse team upsets Franklin & Marshall while golf team loses. Baseball team beats University of Pittsburgh to break nine game losing streak.


Dickinsonian, January 11, 1963

In this issue Eric Grooves becomes editor-in-chief of the Dickinsonian. Sidney D. Kline is elected President of the Board of Trustees. Drawings for fraternity house sites selected. The faculty approve the IFC request to change the GPA average of pledges. Drs. Malcolm, Gould and Kepner announce retirements. Sellers, Ramos, and Prinz granted sabbaticals. Dr. Benjamin James becomes new Dean of Students. Wolfram Sadowsky from Germany studying at Dickinson with Fulbright Scholarship. Phyllis Curtin, soprano, to perform as part of Cultural Affairs Program. Dr.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1962

In this issue the Dickinsonian celebrates its 90th birthday. College receives reaffirmation of accreditation with the MSA. Alums return for Homecoming festivities. Fraternities plan for an earlier rush. Various articles from previous Dickinsonians including a poll of students wishing for a third term for Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, Dolly Longsdorf first coed of Dickinson, Dickinson congratulated for its Syphilis exams. Cosi Fan Tutte performed by Turnau Opera Players. Dr. Harmon L. Smith to visit as speaker in the Religious Emphasis Program.

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