Dickinsonian Newspaper


Dickinsonian Front Page

Worst men's basketball season in history ends with a defeat over Gettysburg. Grippe epidemic. Faculty obliges Women's Student Government Association's petition for explanation of demerit system. Men's Senate creates resolutions concerning the demerit system.

Dickinsonian Front Page

This issue is very concerned with the campus Flu Epidemic, in spite of a statement from college physician Dr. Edward S. Kronenberg that the virus was on the wane. Actor Emlyn Williams will appear at Bosler Hall in the second event of the cultural affairs series, "A Boy Grows Up"- a performance...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Viral respiratory infection epidemic hits campus as a record 1000 students visit infirmary. Fraternity rush "certification" by faculty allows fraternities to pledge freshmen. Jeff Baron finishes sculpture for area between Union and new library. Mermaid Players to perform "As You Like It." Dr....

Dickinsonian Front Page

Flu epidemic infects over 650 Dickinson students. Senator Joseph Biden speaks on campus. Faculty unanimously accepts Academic Standards Committee's new grading policies. Construction on Byers Project is delayed due to zoning restrictions. Chamber Orchestra plays at International Bicentennial...

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