Establishment of the Dickinson Dramatic Club. Biennial convention of Alpha Province of Phi Delta Theta. Speech given by Dr. Reed at Yale's Bi-Centennial Celebration.
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Establishment of the Dickinson Dramatic Club. Biennial convention of Alpha Province of Phi Delta Theta. Speech given by Dr. Reed at Yale's Bi-Centennial Celebration.
Professor Russell I. Thompson to receive PhD from Yale due to thesis focusing on Carlisle public schools. Class Day held for seniors. President Karl Tinsley Waugh inaugurated. Profile of Karl Tinsley Waugh. The Dickinsonian places ninth in the nation at collegiate newspaper competition. Summary...
Representatives from the Architects Collaborative plan to visit the campus Dec. 11-12 to interview students and begin planning for the new Fine Arts Center. US Congressman Edward Biester is slated to speak on law at College and Law School on Dec. 7. Dickinsonian to meet WDCV members in annual...
Jorge Luis Borges opened his symposium on Wednesday night by giving a lecture on the poetry of Emily Dickinson and engaging the audience with a question and answer period. Yale's Insider's Guide to the Colleges drew negative responses from Dickinson's administration after the guide claimed that...