Dickinsonian, January 5, 1968

According to members of Dickinson's administration and the Carlisle community, town gown relations are improving. Professor Brubaker's freshman will present the 12th Annual freshman plays. The Interfraternity Council makes a statement that condemns the use of narcotics in fraternities. Robert Goldsand is set to perform at Carlisle Senior High School's auditorium. Several judicial bodies at Dickinson, including the SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council), the SVHB (Student Violations Hearing Board), and WIC (Women's Interdormitory Council) delivered verdicts on cases.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1967

Representatives from the Architects Collaborative plan to visit the campus Dec. 11-12 to interview students and begin planning for the new Fine Arts Center. US Congressman Edward Biester is slated to speak on law at College and Law School on Dec. 7. Dickinsonian to meet WDCV members in annual football game. Sigma Alpha Epsilon began its annual forum on Wednesday. A campus poll finds Rockefeller in the lead for the nomination for the 1968 presidential election. A mock national convention of GOP presidential candidates has been planned for April of the following year.
