Dickinsonian Newspaper

Belles Lettres Hall

Dickinsonian Front Page

Prominent educators and public men prepare to take part in the inauguration ceremony of Mervin G. Filler, the eighteenth president of "Old Dickinson".  Clarence A. Welliver is elected as student leader of college band.  William S. Bender wins oratorical contest held in Belles Lettres Hall for...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Rushing activities for women's fraternities end as freshman girls and fraternities hand in pledges to Pan-Hellenic Council.  Belles Lettres Society begins its 152nd year of existence at Dickinson with October meeting.  John Burton Nicholson, Jr., accepts position as assistant librarian. ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Fraternities, the All-College Social Committee, and other clubs prepare for the Annual Doll Dance and Doll Show.  Student Senate alters election procedures.  Elmer C. Herber speaks on "The Heart and Its Functions" to Lambda Sigma Pi, the science fraternity.  Belles Lettres initiates new members...

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