Dickinsonian, November 1, 1952

Dean Dr. William Tyler returns to campus after conducting classes elsewhere worldwide. Professor Whitfield Bell, Jr., presented a paper on Early America in Williamsburg, Virginia. The Cultural Affairs Committee announces the arrangement of three musical events to take place in Bosler Hall in the future. The Little Theater production fo "Beggar on Horeback" will be the first arena type play at Dickinson. The Department of Political Science announces sponsored trip for mid-November to the new United Nations Headquarters on the East River.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1938

Rushing activities for women's fraternities end as freshman girls and fraternities hand in pledges to Pan-Hellenic Council.  Belles Lettres Society begins its 152nd year of existence at Dickinson with October meeting.  John Burton Nicholson, Jr., accepts position as assistant librarian.  Mathematics Professor Frank Ayres, Jr., obtains a Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago.  Howard A.

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