Dickinsonian, November 4, 1982

The College releases its renovation plans for Bosler. Carlisle Area United Way has received much support and donations from College administrators and students. The Counseling Center is looking to hire a professional placement counselor. Women's volleyball ends their season positively with a win. Women's Field Hockey also ends their season with a win.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1982

The Mermaid Players are successful in their rendition of 'A Country Scandal.' Kappa Sigma fraternity will now be housed in the Media House instead of the upper quads. Other fraternities that were relocated from the upper quads have been pleased with their displacement. Elaine Livas, a junior at Dickinson, received academic honors for a paper she wrote in the Fall of 1981. An Alumni Contact File was established by the Counseling Center to allow students to connect with alumni to pursue career opportunities.


Dickinsonian, December 10, 1981

In this edition, depression is addressed on campus stating that it affections a majority of campus and those who feel depressed should try and see a counselor. The issue of abortion divides the Student Senate as they have to make a decision on whether they support the issue or not. The College's Health Center added a partially-paid gynecological care, but the Center still does not have a gynecologist on site. Professors Lonna Malmsheimer, Melissa and Julius Kassovic, and Daniel Bechtel facilitated a discussion on the Three Mile Island nuclear explosion that happen three years ago.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1978

In this edition, a liberal arts education is discussed and debated, whether it is practical for the "real world." Wanda Ruffin joins the College Counselors as the Minority Affairs counselor. A report was written last semester on the role of humanities at the College for the National Endowment for the Humanities to strengthen and define its role. The football team is victorious yet again.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1974

The Pittsburgh Symphony Chamber Orchestra will play at the College. The Auxiliary Enterprises Committee (AEX) presents a statement to Senate to close the dining hall to non-boarding students in an effort to lessen stealing of food. In their most recent meeting, faculty debates and questions the search committee for new president of the College. The Office of Student Services and the Counseling Center announce a career workshop for women that is planned. The College hosted the First Annual Dickinson College Debate Debacle, which was won by Wesleyan College.

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Dickinsonian, October 19, 1973

Student Senate supports boycott of iceberg lettuce from non-union farms. The Committee on Community Affairs considers establishing a Women's Center. College hosts the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association. An Experimental Workshop in Communication is conducted by the Counseling Center.

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Dickinsonian, September 15, 1972

College manages Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary. Prof. Mulford Sibley speaks on liberal education and politics in the kick-off of the College's Politics and Education Series. 140 students sign up for "Students for Nixon" group. Meanwhile, an "intensive effort is underway to identify potential McGovern supporters." The Charles Nisbet section of campus is set to be officially dedicated. Sen. Richard Schweiker and Dr. Martin Meyerson are to speak at Founders Day. The PATH program is launched by the Counseling Center to help students discover post-graduate possibilities.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the college teacher training program was evaluated. Three new foreign students enrolled at Dickinson. Dr. John W. Findlay cancels annual Glover Lecture due to virus infection. 78 freshman coeds become sorority pledges. College recalls Robert Frost visit three years ago. Counselor Staff to increase for 63-64 year. Bland Blanshard addresses college at assembly. ACP gives the Dickinsonian a First class rating for spring term. Winter Sports coaches reminisce over last season. Squash team victorious. Basketball sixth in MAC.

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