Dickinsonian, December 7, 1973

Pianist Lili Kraus to perform in concert. To "save fuel in light of the national energy crisis," Faculty alters vacation lengths. Students support boycott against non-union-produced lettuce in the dining hall. In Dana Hall, a lecture on Transcendental Meditation is given by members of the International Meditation Society. A College Debate Council event sees Dave Packer and Dan Bloom arguing for Pres. Nixon's impeachment. The Eagles perform on campus. Recommendations towards the women's athletic program are given by the Commission on the Status of Women at the College.


Dickinsonian, November 16, 1973

Student Senate conducts meeting to examine the co-ed housing issue. The recently-published American Defense and Detente by Prof. Eugene Rosi receives praise from colleagues. The Commission on the Status of Women at the College makes progress report; decisions during last semester include changing the male-female student ratio to 1:1 and removing references to "men" and "sons" in the Alma Mater. College artists present interpretations of "stuff." Political columnist Milton Viorst to visit campus. Prof.


Dickinsonian, October 19, 1973

Student Senate supports boycott of iceberg lettuce from non-union farms. The Committee on Community Affairs considers establishing a Women's Center. College hosts the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical Association. An Experimental Workshop in Communication is conducted by the Counseling Center.

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