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Dickinsonian, October 22, 1938
Dr. Everett R. Clinchy gives chapel address linking Nazi rise to power to the vindictive retaliation of America and its European allies towards Germany after World War I. Hon. Karl E. Richards, Judge of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County and Dickinson alumnus, speaks at the Homecoming Day Chapel exercises. The Dickinsonian editorial staff, Microcosm, and the debate team begin the process of training and choosing new members. The Dramatic Club continues work on their first play, "The Bat." Tau Delta Pi releases the titles of the one-act plays which its members will be directing and performing over the coming semester. Dickinson students help out in Carlisle Community Chest Campaign. The General Alumni Association meets, plans Commencement activities, and alters its constitution and by-laws. Freshman football beats Mercersburg. Football beats Delaware 26-0 for first victory of the season. New York World's Fair will feature a "school of sport," in which legends of various professional sports, including baseball, football, track and field, and boxing, give instructional talks and demonstrations on their respective sports. The bowling team loses. Soccer ties. President Corson gives the inaugural speech at Mt. Union College in Alliance, Ohio. Professor Mulford Stough will read a paper on "The Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in 1793" before a meeting of Pennsylvania Historical Association in Williamsport. The Union Philosophical Society voted in disapproval of the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia at a conference on Tuesday night. Social Committee plans a barn dance on Halloween.
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