Dickinsonian, October 14, 2010

Reason for the rise in underage drinking incidents explained by Chief of Public Safety, Dolores Danser. Sigma Alpha Epsilon attempts a comeback after having several issues with the college. The NAACP establishes a chapter at Dickinson. Review of Kid Cudi concert. Women's Soccer continues winning streak with victories against Susquehanna and Juniata.


Dickinsonian, September 23, 2010

President Durden travels abroad to Berlin, Germany, to attend a reception by the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation. Dickinson Public Safety to offer a student shuttle service. Multi-Lingual Writing Center opens. Men's Soccer remains undefeated. Women's Soccer begins a winning streak.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 2010

A group of Dickinson men continue to push for the initiation of an international Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi. Dickinson Public Safety and Student Senate launch the Safe Ride Program. Two students are arrested at a local bar, causing Fast Eddies to tighten its security. Pleasurable Sex Chat addresses men's and women's sexuality. Two major snowstorms cost the college about $25,000. Profile on student athlete Ross Anstaett. The Baseball and Men's Lacrosse Teams begin their seasons with game victories.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 30, 1997

Russian political figure and head of the Communist Part, Gennady Zyuganov to speak at the Public Affairs Symposium. Dickinson Law merges with Pennsylvania State University. Safety and Security offers a rape defense class. Professor Robert Markley of West Virginia University addresses the global environmental issue during Common Hour. Senior Holly Shaginaw breaks an Indoor Track record. Men's Basketball wins their sixth straight game, beating King's College. Basketball Coach Dave Frohman records his 100th career win.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 2004

This issue includes further discussion of Michael Moore's visit, mentioning that Moore was unable to visit the College due to an illness. Rachel McCool '07 scheduled to appear on JEOPARDY! game show. Controversy over expulsion of Sigma Chi fraternity. Discussion on President Durden's protege, Dr Michael Brown, an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow. Confirmation of Carlisle Police Department and Dickinson Public Safety teaming up to crack down on college parties.


Dickinsonian, May 7, 2004

Secretary of the Smithsonian Lawrence Small to give commencement speech at Graduation. Class of 2008 breaks record for highest percentage of international students enrolled at Dickinson. The number of reported sexual harassment incidents rises, according to Dickinson Public Safety figures. The Corigliano Quartet ends three-year tenure as artists-in-residence. Common Hour topic deals with terrorism and the acceptability of torture.


Dickinsonian, December 14, 2001

New student-run website, DailyJolt.com, begins on campus. Speak of the Devil, an anonymous underground newspaper is distributed on campus, causing controversy. Dickinson Television, DC-TV, begins process of organizing itself. Housing is still a problem on campus. Appropriateness of Christmas Decorations on campus questioned. One act plays performed. Rose Marie Guiraud brings African dance to Carlisle and Dickinson. Dickinson College Public Safety strengthens working relationship with Carlisle Police Department. The Carlisle Diner opens in Carlisle on November 6th.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 2001

Recipients of the Cogan Fellowship returned to Dickinson on February 26 and 27 to discuss their career paths. The Office of Residential Life distributed a packet to students detailing the changed housing selection process. Rami Khouri and Ilan Peleg debated in the "Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation" event which took place on March 1. The debate gave the impression that reconciliation between Israel and Palestine was not far away. The student senate discussed changes in Greek life on February 27th.
