Dickinsonian, January 30, 1997

Russian political figure and head of the Communist Part, Gennady Zyuganov to speak at the Public Affairs Symposium. Dickinson Law merges with Pennsylvania State University. Safety and Security offers a rape defense class. Professor Robert Markley of West Virginia University addresses the global environmental issue during Common Hour. Senior Holly Shaginaw breaks an Indoor Track record. Men's Basketball wins their sixth straight game, beating King's College. Basketball Coach Dave Frohman records his 100th career win.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1993

A student is arrested outside of Morgan carrying a loaded firearm. The student is believed to have been planing on returning to Phi Kappa Psi with the gun. Tri-Delta is renewed with a large pledge class of 34. The college celebrates National Coming Out Day. Nine Dickinson students studying abroad in Moscow hold up well among recent violence between supporters of Boris Yeltsin and hard-line Communists in Parliament. Dr. George Woodwell came and spoke to students about environmental issues and was the recipient of this year's Priestley Award.


Dickinsonian, May 5, 1961

Former Dickinson professor J. Wesley Robb visits to lecture and lead discussion groups. Minors are no longer required for graduation. Wheel and Chain tap five new members. Issue dedicated to outgoing President Gilbert "Red" Malcolm with special commemorative. Professors Herbert Thomson and Edward Rothstein resign. Alpha Psi Omega tap seven new members. New faculty members announced. Communism on campuses on rise. Lloyd Price to be headliner for IFC Weekend. Professor Luther Erickson wins two grants for chemical research. Tennis wins 31st consecutive game over span of three years.
