Dickinsonian, November 15, 1928

Dickinson College observes Armistice Day with a program in the Chapel.  Professor Mohler prepares a demonstration of the effects of liquid air on plants and animals.  The Men's Senate requires that all students wishing to attend the upcoming football game take part in the parade to Biddle Field.  The Alumni makes their plans of holding the Homecoming football game and ceremonies in Carlisle in the following year are made known.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1928

Professor Leon C. Prince will speak at the upcoming Homecoming pep rally at Bosler Hall before the football team's game against Gettysburg.  Dickinson alumnus Reverend Edmund Davison Soper, D.D., class of 1898, is elected president of Ohio Wesleyan University.  Pacifist Dr. Frank W. Norwood, minister of the City Temple Church in London, England, to speak at Allison Methodist Episcopal church.  The Scientific Club begins meetings at the Tome Scientific Building with talks by Professor J.D. Hardy.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1938

The editorial board of the Dickinsonian publishes an open letter to the Board of Deans regarding the findings of a report conducted by the Faculty committee on Extra-Curricular Activities.  The Debating Association of Pennsylvania Colleges selects three topics for the coming debate season, with delegates from Dickinson making key contributions.  Charlis Alvin Jones, graduate of Dickinson Law School and democratic candidate for the office of governor of Pennsylvania, visits Dickinson for the annual Homecoming football game.  The Student Library Committee submitted req
