The editorial board of the Dickinsonian publishes an open letter to the Board of Deans regarding the findings of a report conducted by the Faculty committee on Extra-Curricular Activities. The Debating Association of Pennsylvania Colleges selects three topics for the coming debate season, with delegates from Dickinson making key contributions. Charlis Alvin Jones, graduate of Dickinson Law School and democratic candidate for the office of governor of Pennsylvania, visits Dickinson for the annual Homecoming football game. The Student Library Committee submitted requests from the student body for recreational reading materials to the library, who plans to use money obtained from student fines to purchase these books. Tau Delta Pi, the Dramatic Fraternity, holds their first meeting, with Professor Wilbur H. Norcross as speaker. German exchange students Alfred Romain and Robert Eggert speak at a Union Philosophical Society mock debate regarding the "Dismemberment of Czechoslovakia." Dr. Joseph Haroutunian, a biblical scholar from Wellesley College, will conduct a seminar at Dickinson called "The Bible Comes Alive." The Greek Club initiates "neophytes" in its first meeting of the year. Football prepares to play Delaware following 7-7 tie with Ursinus; soccer ties Ursinus; German Club, Union Philosophical Society, and Theological Society all have there first meetings of the year. Dale O. Hartzell details the mischief in which some freshman are engaging, and the punishments that they are facing for it. The National Youth Administration has announced projects of 123 students at Dickinson.