Dickinsonian, March 2, 1910

The editors respond to the band controversy.  John F. Howard's Shakespearean recital proves to be a disgrace.  "Old Jack" longtime and beloved janitor in Old East college dies.  Civic Club plans its last entertainment of the year, a lecture by Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman. 



Dickinsonian, February 16, 1910

All college feed planned for February 22nd.  Mr. John F. Howard to give a recital of "Julius Caesar."  Civic Club holds a lecture on "Storm Heroes of our Coast" by the Hon. Arthur K. Peck.  The college band announces it will now require payment for playing at non-athletic events and rebuffs accusations of lack of school spirit.  New college bulletin is issued.  Any interested are invited to participate in the Carlisle Oratorio Society's production of "Samson and Delilah". 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 23, 1903

The school year begins with promising new additions to the football team and high hopes of winning "The Pennsylvania Game." Thrilling, realistic, and true to life moving pictures are shown in Bosler Hall to a cheering crowd, and the Y.M.C.A. has entered a contest for a new piano. Andrew Beale, former slave and Dickinson College employee of 35 years, passed away of heart failure.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1948

Plans to expand college band initiated, including adding more twirlers to the color guard and expanding repertoire. Professor John Pflaum presents talk on current situation in Berlin, highlighting the likelihood of war. Spencer Baird named as "Father of the National Museum" by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Editorial discusses the flaws in sorority rushing rules and the Pan-Hellenic Council's responsibility to fix them.


Dickinsonian, November 4, 1950

President Edel speaks at chapel. Dean of Women, Phoebe G. Follmer takes a leave of absence and Mary Margaret Kellogg is appointed the acting Dean. Article discussing the upcoming Homecoming football match for the Old Mahogany Bucket between Dickinson and Gettysburg College. The Dickinson Mermaid goes missing from atop Old West. The College band is the largest it has been since the war. Dickinson Football defeats Juniata. Footballer Wilbur Gobrecht is tied for receiving a high-scoring honor in Pennsylvania. Profile on student athlete, Ed Ermak.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1950

Famous trumpeter, Hank Hoffman will play in the band during Homecoming.The International Relations Club sponsors a U.N. display in the window of the Kronenberg clothing store. Professor Frank Ayres , Jr., announces his publication of a new math book. Dickinson alum General James G. Steese, a member of the Dickinson College Board of Trustees, speaks at chapel about various phases of his life.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 23, 1959

This issue contains an article about the Military Ball. An upcoming lecture by Alistair Cooke is announced. Results of class elections are announced. Barbara Stevens, Dean of Women, attends IFC meeting to clarify social rules. A student essay draws parallels between Communism and the U.S. Armed Forces. The Dean of Men addresses the problems of water battles and unregistered cars. An extension of library hours is proposed. Dr. Gilbert Malcolm is honored by ROTC. Parents council meets and approves five projects. Henry Fellowships for study in England are offered.


Dickinsonian, October 16, 1959

This issue contains articles about plans for parents weekend. Lt. Col. William Pinson is appointed new head of Military Science Department. A performance of the Joffrey Ballet is reviewed. Lloyd Ultan, head of the Music Department discusses the formation of a band. Class officer elections are planned. A group from Dickinson attends the Vienna Youth Festival.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 9, 1959

This edition includes articles about a $50,000 gift for a new language center. The IFC announces rush period program. Senate loans funds to establish a radio station. Distinguished Military Students for 1959-1960 are announced by ROTC. The student housing shortage is discussed. Band organizers discuss a lack of interest in the formation of a band.
