Dickinsonian, March 2, 1910

The editors respond to the band controversy.  John F. Howard's Shakespearean recital proves to be a disgrace.  "Old Jack" longtime and beloved janitor in Old East college dies.  Civic Club plans its last entertainment of the year, a lecture by Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman. 



Dickinsonian, February 23, 1910

Washington's Birthday banquet a successful evening.  Fresmhan smoker is held.  Kappa Sigma holds a dance in Assembly Hall.  Some upperclassmen respond to the Band's article of the previous week.  The trustees hold their usual midwinter meeting in Philadelphia.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1910

All college feed planned for February 22nd.  Mr. John F. Howard to give a recital of "Julius Caesar."  Civic Club holds a lecture on "Storm Heroes of our Coast" by the Hon. Arthur K. Peck.  The college band announces it will now require payment for playing at non-athletic events and rebuffs accusations of lack of school spirit.  New college bulletin is issued.  Any interested are invited to participate in the Carlisle Oratorio Society's production of "Samson and Delilah". 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, May 21, 1931

The men's and women's glee club put on their first combined performance since 1925. The old Phi Delta Theta house will be turned into a psychology lab. The radio transmitter built by Dickinson students is fully operational and reaches several other radio stations in the eastern half of the United States. The radio station may be used by students whenever the studio is open. Student Senate cuts some funding for all campus organizations except the band, orchestra and the Dickinsonian.


Dickinsonian, May 16, 1935

A new German professor is hired. Skull and Key taps members for next year. The Men’s Glee Club sings at Carlisle High School. The Dickinson band elects new officers for next year. A column relates the German Nazis Party’s failings to change the colors of mail boxes and postal vehicles. The College Orchestra plays at Carlisle High School. The college begins to transition to the O.D.K. proposal for a new student government.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1928

Seniors H.G. Stutzman and Betsy Ann Cloud take the lead roles in the Commencement play "Honor Bright".  Donald Smith is elected leader of the college band. Phi Psi wins the inter-fraternity track event for the second year in a row.  The orchestra announces a surprise symphony by Haydn on May 16th in the chapel.  Rabbi S.S. Wise of the New York Free Synagogue gives a rousing liberal speech questioning the purpose and legitimacy of American colleges.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1954

Fifth annual Follies production, "It's The Greatest", to be performed in the Carlisle High School Auditorium. Students to bid on faculty members at an auction to benefit the Student Sanatorium in Istanbul, Turkey. Dickinson Band to be divided into girls' and boys' sections, all female "pep band" to make their first appearance in the fall.
