Dickinsonian, February 16, 1910

All college feed planned for February 22nd.  Mr. John F. Howard to give a recital of "Julius Caesar."  Civic Club holds a lecture on "Storm Heroes of our Coast" by the Hon. Arthur K. Peck.  The college band announces it will now require payment for playing at non-athletic events and rebuffs accusations of lack of school spirit.  New college bulletin is issued.  Any interested are invited to participate in the Carlisle Oratorio Society's production of "Samson and Delilah". 

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Dickinsonian, May 1, 1907

Dickinson celebrates William Penn Memorial Day.  State defeats Dickinson in baseball but Dickinson defeats State in debate, in the process becoming champions of the Pennsylvania Debate League.  The Carlisle Oratorio Society renders a performance under the direction of Frederic C. Martin.
