Dickinsonian, February 28, 1906

Members of the Phi Beta chapter of Alpha Chi Rho attend the fraternity's annual convention. A meeting of the Association of College Presidents of Pennsylvania is called to discuss the recent controversies surrounding football, as well as the state's medical schools. The Civic Club closes a successful season with a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. The freshman class holds a smoker in celebration of the termination of the rule which restricted them from smoking on campus. Phi Kappa Psi's Founder's Day is celebrated with a smoker. 


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1910

Washington's Birthday banquet a successful evening.  Fresmhan smoker is held.  Kappa Sigma holds a dance in Assembly Hall.  Some upperclassmen respond to the Band's article of the previous week.  The trustees hold their usual midwinter meeting in Philadelphia.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1911

Prospects for the track team "forecast probable strength". Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest held in Bosler Hall. Freshman smoker held. Oratorio of the Holy City to be held. Y.M.C.A. to host a performance by the original drummer boy of Rappahannock. The Mohler Scientific Club held a meeting to discuss the spin of the golfball. Simon Pauxtis hired as new football coach. Alumni fund campaign seeks to raise $105,000.
