Dickinsonian, February 28, 2003

Snowstorm cancels classes for first time since 1983. Dickinson introduces outdoor recycling receptacles. Albert Bartlett gives Glover Memorial Lecture on population growth and energy supply. Department of Theater and Dance presents "Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet" with Mermaid Players. Profile of Etsuko Inoguchi. Comedian Lewis Black performs in ATS. Senior Elizabeth Richards studies threatened goldenrod population. Swimming breaks seven school records at Centennial Conference Championships.


Dickinsonian, March 31, 1994

As Student Senate elections draw near, candidates state their intentions. Officer of a citizens action group on handgun control, Sara Brady will be the speaker at this years commencement. Professor Clint Sprott, this year's winner of the Glover Award, discussed "The New Science of Chaos" in a common hour address. Leading Mexican presidential candidate Colosio is assassinated. John Miller, vice president of AHEDD, discusses the new American Disabilities Act with students. Spielberg wins the first Oscar of his career for Shindler's List. The Men's Lacrosse team is off to a good start.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1983

Dr. Frank Drake of Cornell University receives the 1983 Glover Memorial Award. The College Personnel committee decides to suspend the use of present faculty evaluation forms. Pennsylvania Representative Richard J. Cessar hosts a discussion concerning state government. BACCHUS works to educate students and the community on the effects of alcohol. In the Open Forum section, an argument is made for ROTC programs in civilian universities.

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Dickinsonian, April 11, 1975

A severe windstorm causes damage to the campus taking out six trees. Retired professor John C. Pflaum, 71, dies of a heart attack in a car accident. Despite heavy opposition, the Nisbet Scholars Program is adopted by faculty at their last meeting. It will be implemented as an experimental two year program beginning with the class of 1980. Admissions reports a drop in the freshman class. Carl Sagan, winner of the 1975 Priestley award, spoke on the need for more unmanned exploration of the solar system at the award ceremony. Robert Greenler will receive the College's Glover memorial award.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1971

In the Social Hall, trustees hear opinions on housing from independent and fraternity men. At a Senate meeting, Dean Gillespie presents enforcement of controversial "pet policy" while Student Senate continues to oppose it. Dr. Phillip Gustafson wins Glover Award. Women's Group forms. Those Hog Ridin' Fools review The Deer Lodge Inn in Mt. Holly Springs. In ATS, the College-Community Orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Fred Petty, plan to perform its first concert.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1963

Parents' day to follow the day after the Military ball. Freshman form committee to investigate possibility of college honor code. The new college development program to seeks to strengthen academic plans. Portuguese ambassador to the US Luis Nevaga supports policies in African Portuguese colonies. Jesse Judell assumes vacant Senate Vice presidency. Student Democrats club to inform students about the party platform before the election. Library thefts require book checker to join staff. Extension of library hours considered.

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Dickinsonian, March 30, 1962

Dr. Woodward of Harvard to receive Priestley Award. College receives Ford Grant for the faculty study in Asian cultures. Dr. Edward U. Condon to receive John Glover Award. Spring Weekend performances include Twilight Gardens and Dave Guard and the Hill Singers. Dean Alan Coutts announces freshmen counselors. Mermaid Players present "My Three Angels". Denny Hall is described in 1904 catalogue. William Warfield sings to packed Bosler crowd. Phi Kappa Psi celebrate return with ceremony. John H. Hallowell to speak in Memorial Hall. F. Gerald Ensley speaks at chapel.

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Dickinsonian, April 14, 1961

Agnes DeMille will participate in Second Annual Arts Festival. Phi Mu to show movie on the House Un-American Activities Committee that has received national criticism. Dr. Masland explains the John Birch Society's goals. Francis Warlow first Fulbright Award recipient in college history. Freshmen plays will occur later in the month. Pi Gamma Mus elects eighteen students to social science honor society. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke on campus. Dr. Van de Kamp gave a lecture after receiving the Glover Lecture Award. Dr. Joseph McVicker Hunt to visit as guest psychologist.


Dickinsonian, March 24, 1961

Follies production of The Boyfriend features jazz and flappers. Agnes DeMille to visit the college during the arts festival. Non-western studies program being developed with Gettysburg, Wilson, Hood, Western Maryland, and St. Mary's - St. Joseph's, and to include eastern travel. College makes gains toward improvements required for accreditation. The Trustees steering committee meets to discuss fraternity housing. Doctor Martin Luther King to speak soon at Allison chapel. Housemother Charlotte Prettyman to retire to Germany.

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Dickinsonian, November 20, 1964

Conway Hall independents create social privileges dorm council. New Biology building to be built on old Kappa Sigma house site. Phi Beta Kappa plan faculty forums. IFC establishes individual house libraries. Physicist Walter C. Michels to receive Glover Medal. Plaque honoring "Uncle" Noah Pinkney.Faculty present "Faculty Frantics". Freshmen pledge Honor Code. Prof. Tuttle discusses Dickinson Changes. Prof. Flaherty extends study leave. Eighty-one freshmen try out for Freshman Plays. Jean-Pierre Grosclaude compares U.S. to Geneva. Fraternity and Sorority rush.


Dickinsonian, March 24, 1960

Glover Award to be presented to Harvard's Dr. M. Stanley Livingston, who will speak at the American Association of Physics Teachers, to be held at Dickinson. Cultural Affairs Committee to present Metropolitan Opera singer Theodor Uppman. IFC Weekend is being planned. Pi Phi pledges win first prize at Doll Dance. Belles Lettres to present the film "Potemkin." the Julliard String Quartet concert is given a favorable review. Inter-Fraternity winter sports season coming to a close. Charles Ream, Dickinson's wrestling and lacrosse coach, is profiled
