Dickinsonian, November 16, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Uhuru to feature Alphonso Britt. Fraternities face dissolution across college campuses. Dean Wishmeyer resigns from SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee). Foreign students find diet difficult at Dickinson. Drayer and Metzger battle in football game. Book of Job and HMS Pinafore continue performances. WDCV begins broadcasting. Peter, Paul, and Mary to perform before the Mid-Winter Ball. Peter Herman Adler to conduct the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra in the Cultural Affairs program. Rush program scheduled by Fraternity Houses.

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Dickinsonian, November 9, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) approves resolution in broadening drinking rules. Cultural Affairs schedules Book of Job Performance. Presentation of the HMS Pinafore. Prof. Frank Warlow compares European and American students. Review of Mermaid Players production "See How They Run". Consultant William H. Jesse views site for proposed library. Pi Delta Epsilon taps seven seniors. Project Africa plans Uhuru dance. Dr. Jessica Longsdorff Bozorth brings several photos of first coeds to College. Field Hockey beat Shippensburg.

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Dickinsonian, March 3, 1961

New United and Action parties present platforms. The Student Rules Evaluation Committee revises rules for off campus parties, and fraternity visiting hours. Horlacher holds first meeting to give details on the Fraternity Quadrangle. Articles on Ray Charles' upcoming concert and Ray Charles himself. The spring issue of The Hornbook to feature radical changes. Fort Lauderdale to hold its first spring jazz festival for the spring break. Mermaid Players to perform Crime and Punishment. Professor Means indicts student for living too softly - mentally, morally, and physically.

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Dickinsonian, December 14, 1960

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Omicron Delta Kappa tap seven. Students approve SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee)proposal for drinking rules. "The Hadar Group" to perform. Trustees use part of government loan for student housing. Irene Tar tells of her experiences in Hungary. Series of French films to be shown. Delta Phi Alpha presents Christmas program. Dr. Charles D. Kepner to speak in chapel. Students discuss Religion-in-Life Week 1960. Fraternity houses elect new leaders for second semester. Swimming take 33rd straight win. D-club attracts greater campus recognition.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1960

In this issue of the Dickinsonian SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) discusses regulations and enforcements of drinking rules. Glee Club concert choose "Wintersong" as theme. Follies to present "The Boyfriend". Physics Dept. receive grant for nuclear devices. RILW (Religion-in-life Week) at Dickinson for one week. Istvan Jalsovicsk talks about need for Hungarian freedom. Dick Tull answers questions on the SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council). Pi Delta Epsilon taps 6 new members. Dr. C. Vann Woodward and Dr. Cornelius Kruse to visit.

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Dickinsonian, November 18, 1960

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the SREC (Student Rules Evaluation Committee) endorses alcohol enforcement by fraternities. Faculty revise committee structure. Senator John. F. Kennedy creates the Point Four Youth Corps. Larry Gray voted Freshman class president. Dame Judith Anderson receives the Wedgwood Medallion of the 1960 DC Arts Award. Dickinson inaugurates coed gym classes. Belles Lettres Review give modern poetry reading. Bosler Hall Art Gallery exhibits work of Colonel John D. Pusey. Prof. Ernest Kuhinka explains communism.
