Dickinsonian, March 13, 1897

The College Quartette returns from a trip through Central Pennsylvania.  The Carlisle Indian School holds commencement ceremonies despite a measle epidemic.  Former professor of mathematics and astronomy Dr. Fletcher Durell lectures on "the sun" for the benefit of the Athletic Association.


Dickinsonian, April 6, 1951

Details regarding the Spring Formal, including discussion of its "unusual theme," "Spring in the Park," and the musical performances by Ray McKinley and the Ted Wilson Combo. Pi Delta Epsilon announces the institution of a new award for journalism. Article describing plans for Pan-Hellenic Weekend. At the Annual Little Three Banquet, coaches choose their all-star athletic teams. Dickinson Tennis wins the first match of the season. The College makes plans for a new course in Astronomy.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 2000

Limestone Ventures, a new club on campus aimed at promoting self-starting businesses, held an entrepreneurship forum in ATS on October 25th. A group of students in an Oceanography class plan to head to the Bahamas in January to do research. The Clarke Center plans to hold a 3-day celebration of Irish literature starting on November 9th. Residents of Drayer Hall reacted angrily to a sixty-minute video on rape and men's fantasies shown in the Weiss Center on October 23rd. The editor writes an editorial criticizing the effect that new class registration policies will have on seniors.
