Dickinsonian, April 17, 1953

Dr. Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., will be on leave next year, serving as a visiting professor at the College of William and Mary. John Scott - author, lecturer, and foreign correspondent for Time magazine and Life magazine - will speak at an upcoming chapel meeting.The Dickinson College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors to hold its annual dinner. Julliard String Quartet to perform. Details of Spring Formal. Profile on student athlete Jim Pritchard.


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1949

President Edel to tour Israel with American Christian Palestine Committee delegation. Dr. Elmer Charles Herber's paper on pregnancy tests conducted on frogs to be published by Pennsylvania Academy of Science. International Relations Club delegates attend largest Model UN conference at University of Rutgers. Twenty-five delegates will attend the Intercollegiate Conference on Government in Harrisburg, where the Dickinson delegation is expected to dominate. International Relations Club to host open picnic at Pine Grove. Lincoln University President Dr.

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 1951

"D" Club lacrosse seeks recognition as a intercollegiate varsity sport. Details of the Spring Formal. Renowned young violinist, Joyce Renee to give a concert in Bosler. Three teams remain undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League: Beta Theta Pi, Phi Epsilon Pi, and Phi Psi. Dickinson Baseball win their first game of the season. Dickinson Tennis defeats Juniata.

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Dickinsonian, April 6, 1951

Details regarding the Spring Formal, including discussion of its "unusual theme," "Spring in the Park," and the musical performances by Ray McKinley and the Ted Wilson Combo. Pi Delta Epsilon announces the institution of a new award for journalism. Article describing plans for Pan-Hellenic Weekend. At the Annual Little Three Banquet, coaches choose their all-star athletic teams. Dickinson Tennis wins the first match of the season. The College makes plans for a new course in Astronomy.


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1950

Coach Dave Kirk of the Physical Education Department announces that he will resign his post at the end of the year in order to take a job at Friend's Central School in Philadelphia. The Spring Formal, scheduled for the night of publication, will feature two bands and follow a Spring Garden Party theme. In a special Founders' Day convocation ceremony, the College will award honorary degrees to Nora May Mohler and Judge Dorothy Kenyon. The Hornbook, The Belles Lettres Society's literary publication, will go on sale the following week.

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Dickinsonian, January 13, 1950

The Dickinsonian elects John Shumaker '51 editor-in-chief for the 1950-51 academic year. The Sociology Department begins an extensive project to interview Carlisle residents, with over 70 Dickinson students taking part. The Bookstore announces that it will extend its hours during the beginning of the spring semester in order to accommodate the rush to buy textbooks. The Dickinson Follies hold tryouts, and dates are set for the Spring Formal, IFC Ball, and Pan-Hel Dance.
