Dickinsonian, September 30, 1967

Four Dickinson representatives attended Danforth Foundation's Summer Workshop on Liberal Education and returned with suggestions for a new work-study program and curriculum changes. Contractor's miscalculations lead to delay in construction of Spahr Library's interior, delays bookwalk. ODK annual Leadership Conference planned for October 7 with theme of "Liberal Arts Education at Dickinson: Present Condition and Future Direction." A history of the partitioning of Palestine written by Jerry Weiner. New Peter, Paul, and Mary album reviewed. Chuch Strum previews the coming school year.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 4, 1966

Controversy over Professor John Cutler's October 28th editorial on proposed architecture of dormitories discussed. Humanities Fund holds first annual fund-raising drive. Omicron Delta Kappa taps five new members at Military Ball. Freshman Chuck Strum analyzes the state of the college. Student Jerry Weiner comments on Arab border disputes. Dr. Martin E. Marty to guest in Faith and Society lecture series. Malcolm Hall still not completely finished, providing quirks and frustrations for residents.
