Dickinsonian, October 22, 1965

Female students will be allowed above the first floor of all men's residence halls from 7:30 to 8:00 pm Tuesday, Oct. 26 to collect donations for the 1965 endowment fund. Opposition to Governor Scranton's "Operation Focus" anti-poverty program is discussed. Editor Maurice Girodais's "The Olympia Reader", a book containing many stories considered to be pornographic, is to be published. ODK will offer an annual Songfest. Final changes to the 1965-66 Social Rules were agreed upon by a faculty sub-committee based upon senate requests.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1964

Mermaid Players present Thornton Wilder's "Our Town". Female students collect donations in fraternities and male dorms for the Dickinson Endowment Fund for the Teaching of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Four juniors will study in Washington D.C. for spring semester in conjunction with American University. The newly-founded Outing Club is profiled. Two million out of six million already raised in fundraising drive for Dickinson. Three students and one staff member are tapped by Pi Delta Epsilon for outstanding journalism.

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