Dickinsonian, May 3, 1974

Student Senate urges a reduction in physical education requirements. Feminist Florynce Kennedy is to speak at College. Watergate conversation transcripts of Pres. Nixon will soon arrive at Library. Students Heather McGregor and Carol Kelly will present a joint recital. In the Morgan Lecture series, William Goetzmann speaks on Romanticism. A review of Prof. Kenneth Rosen's newly-published The Man to Send Rain Clouds is featured.

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Dickinsonian, April 19, 1974

Sir Hugh Stott Taylor, first Priestley Award recipient, passes away. The Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee plans to install a computer terminal in the library. Historian William Goetzmann to speak at College. Increased popularity of tennis creates need for College to alter court use. A review of the Black Arts Festival is featured.

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