Dickinsonian, March 28, 1969

Student Senate passes measures including a proposal on independent housing. AAUP (American Association of University Professors) chapter declares that Prof. Ralph Sandler "has no claim" for his recent grading experiment. Bernard Greenhouse to perform in Old West.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1969

Prof. Ralph Sandler's "experiment in educational motivation" receives a four-point recommendation. Co-ed dormitories to open. Over 500 students expected to fast for fund-raising effort to Biafra. Dickinson Anthropologist H. Wade Seaford, Jr. receives National Science Foundation grant to study facial expressions. Public Affairs Symposium on "Dissent" overviewed. Additional articles discuss academic standards and issues related to Sandler's experiment. Swimming coach David Eavenson earns NCAA position.


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1969

Challenges for Jack Stover, newly-elected President of Student Senate, are presented. Prof. Ralph Sandler issues statement of opposition towards college grading system as each student in his English class is awarded an "A". Women's Interdormitory Council seeks abolition of curfew, proposing a card-key system in its place. Sponsored by the Department of Religion, the Society for Krishna-Consciousness is set to perform a kirtan ceremony. Raymond Jones reflects on experience in Russia. Bologna is analyzed by Margaret Hlinka. LSD is discussed in Drug Education Committee report.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, July 19, 1968

The language lab has incorporated electronic audio equipment into their space at Bosler Hall. The renovations for the Durbin Oratory in Old West have been delayed due to a lack of funds. The administration is considering a plan that would allow graduate students from Pennsylvania State University to become involved in undergraduate intern teaching at Dickinson. Ada Perry, a secretery for 6 consecutive Deans of Men and one Dean of Women, was honored by her colleagues at her retirement.


Dickinsonian, July 16, 1968

The PEER group for underprivileged Carlisle children visited Gettysburg battlefield, where they re-enacted Pickett's Charge, and the State Capitol as part of their summer program. Professor Henry Hanson's geology students traveled to Iceland to study volcanic sedimentation. The grant the college received from the Ford Foundation, which guarantees a dollar for every three dollars donated to the college, is nearing its mark. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis, a Dickinson Anthropology professor, finished work on a Sociology text. The ROTC heads at Dickinson departed for duty overseas.
