Dickinsonian, December 14, 1955

Holiday Issue. Ogden Nash to appear on campus. The Ford Foundation donates over $400,000 to the college to help raise teachers' salaries. Sauter-Finegan Orchestra to play Mid-Winter Ball. The Board of Trustees speaks on Social Rule revision and leaves policy enforcement to President Edel.

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1971

Student Affairs drafts new housing policy. Ford Foundation sponsors fellowship programs open to ethnic minorities. College participates in dedication of Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary. African Congress to publish "Nia" newsletter. The Hog Ridin' Fools review Mrs. Stamms restaurant.

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Dickinsonian, April 11, 1969

President Rubendall announces that although pledges for the Ford Foundation Challenge Grant exceed the goal of 6 million dollars, the money has yet to materialize. Elkin Tolliver, Mike Floyd and Ron Lane are arrested as both students and townspeople picket in front of municipal building in controversial racial incident. Dr. Gerald S. Hawkins, dean-designate, is introduced. William Kroll to perform in the Social Hall. William Durden and seven others receive ROTC scholarships. Larry Warner gives talk, "Dickinson: Our Glorious Alma Mater," in Denny Hall.


Dickinsonian, July 16, 1968

The PEER group for underprivileged Carlisle children visited Gettysburg battlefield, where they re-enacted Pickett's Charge, and the State Capitol as part of their summer program. Professor Henry Hanson's geology students traveled to Iceland to study volcanic sedimentation. The grant the college received from the Ford Foundation, which guarantees a dollar for every three dollars donated to the college, is nearing its mark. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis, a Dickinson Anthropology professor, finished work on a Sociology text. The ROTC heads at Dickinson departed for duty overseas.


Dickinsonian, June 1, 1968

New York Times Columnist James B. Reston spoke at commencement. Charges of slander were leveled against Clarke W. Garrett, who reportedly made comments about Larry J. Warner in one of his classes. Gen. Harold K. Johnson is set to address ROTC graduates. David F. Brubaker received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching at a Trustees' Meeting on May 30. Phi Beta Kappa voted on new members. 18 members of the Dickinsonian community are planning to study art and religion in India over the summer.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1967

Prof. Harold Gillespie accepts Dean of Students position. College collects million dollars toward drive to match Ford Challenge grant. Three students - John Exdell, Al Kliner, and Ed Phillips - receive the Woodrow Wilson Scholarship. Stew Glenn analyzes recent student demonstrations and reviews proposal for voting privileges. Women's Interdormitory Council passes changes concerning women's residences. Lack of parking space noted. Faculty rules out new fraternities. Bologna students examine Italian culture. "Ultramodern" library construction proceeds on schedule.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1966

Ford Foundation grants college $2 million, most of which will be used to renovate buildings. President Howard Rubendall opens academic year with speech urging students to "get involved" in world affairs. Professor M. Benton Naff unexpectedly resigns. Students bothered by "needlessly boring" registration procedures. Dr. Gabriel Vahanian to speak in "Death Of God" lecture series. Anonymous culprit returns Tom Schmitt's paintings. Construction to begin on two new dorms, library, and a face-lift of Biddle Field. Dana Biology Building opens.

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