Dickinsonian, June 4, 1921

A tablet honoring the 810 Dickinsonian World War I veterans is unveiled, as are plans to build Memorial Hall inside of Old West. Bishop Ernest Richardson is announced as the speaker for the Hall's dedication service. Bishop Charles Burns and former president George L. Reed are announced as speakers for Commencement, scheduled for the Sunday after publication. The track team finishes fourth in the first annual Central Pennsylvania College Conference. New rushing rules and the list of students to receive honors are published.


Dickinsonian, May 31, 1924

The track team wins the Central Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Conference meet at Island Park in Harrisburg. The men's senate announces that the budget for student activities will be increased by $500 for the following year. An itinerary for commencement appears. The Dickinsonian is readmitted to the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association after an absence of two years. Four members of the senior class are graduated with highest honors, seven others are graduated with secondary honors. The non-fraternity women of the college found their own social association, known as the D.A.


Dickinsonian, June 1, 1968

New York Times Columnist James B. Reston spoke at commencement. Charges of slander were leveled against Clarke W. Garrett, who reportedly made comments about Larry J. Warner in one of his classes. Gen. Harold K. Johnson is set to address ROTC graduates. David F. Brubaker received the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching at a Trustees' Meeting on May 30. Phi Beta Kappa voted on new members. 18 members of the Dickinsonian community are planning to study art and religion in India over the summer.
